01/13/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

01/13/2024 Daily Recap

So lovelies, we come again to the end of another day for some and the beginning of one for others. I am once again baffled and humbled by the turn out of our beautiful crew and all they’ve accomplished over the last 24 hrs. 

Did you know that as of this moment, the #RenewAsACrew petition is over 44,000 signatures? 

Were you aware the #HoistTheAds initiative/fundraiser is over $21,000?

Or that the Renew As A Crew Fundraiser for Rainbow Youth is over $15,000?

Oh, and not to mention, Our Flag For Palestine’s Our Flag Makes a Difference Fundaiser met it’s goal of $2500

Oh and might I add that Twitter is trending #SaveOFMD at 41.7K posts

I wish I knew how to check IG and Tumblr stats, so if you do please add to this!

And that’s only a fraction of how much everyone has contributed to the community with kindness, solidarity, creativity, support, humor, analysis, ingenuity and so much more!

You all are making ripples that are cascading across the whole damn planet and your voices are being heard. 

Special thanks as always to @renewasacrew  who are some of the many captains (and certainly most influential) of this mighty fandom battle freighter. Please send them all the love because they are leading the charge everywhere. 

Every single last one of you should be proud of yourself. Please remember to drink some water, have a shower or a bath and get some sleep. We’ve all said it before, but I’ll say it again; no matter what happens with the renewal, you have made such an immense impact on so many people’s lives in a positive way and we are all so damn proud of this community.

Rest and recoup lovelies, we all have a big day tomorrow.