03/10/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Rosie Carnahan Darby; London Billboards; Mascot Jeff's Birthday; Adopt Our Crew Saturday Sillies; Fan Spotlight; Reminders! Wee John Wonday; Watch Parties; Kudoboards; Companies doing good things!; Fundraisers! Love Notes;

Okay luvs, finally catching up. I'd love to do a much bigger appreciate day post so everyone can see all the cool stuff people posted but I'd like to get some permissions first, so I'll try to do that tomorrow or sometime this week!

== Cast & Crew Sightings ==

== David Jenkins ==

David just sharing some soothing music for being parked. Src: Dj's Insta

= Rhys Darby =

Out with the fam! Rhys' Instagram Story

Rosie was kind enough to give us another shot tonight:

= Rosie Carnahan Darby =

So I'm not going to post the tweet Rosie was responding too because that twat of a human being can rot, but I would like to highlight Rosie and her badassery and constant standing up for everyone. Just a damn fine human being that one.
If you want to see who and what it was in response to, please visit Rosie's Twitter Page, but CW: TERF

== London Billboards Meetups! ==

Tomorrow's the day folks! First set of Billboards are up tomorrow! SRC: Tumblr / Instagram

== Jeff's Birthday! ==

== Adopt Our Crew Saturday Sillies ==

Our lovely friends at @adoptourcrew had more Saturday Sillies for us yesterday during the appreciation event on Twitter! Just copying them over here so yall with no twitter can play :) If you do have access to twitter, please play and interact with AdoptOurCrew on Twitter! If you don't have access to Twitter, check out the puzzles here.

== Fan Spotlight == 

= Positive Content by LCWebsXOXO =

Our dear crew-mate LCWebsXOXO (you may have seen her around helping with @saveofmdcrewmates as well as all over tumblr/twitter) is starting up a youtube channel this week dedicated to positive content! Looking for something to boost your spirits? She's here to help. Feel free to check out her Tiktok and Youtube.

= Cast Cards =

More cards from @melvisik! This time two of my favorite ladies, Selenis Leyva and Kristen Johnston!

== Reminders! ==

= Wee John Wondays =

Just a reminder! Tomorrow (as far as we know at the normal time) Con O'Neil and Gypsy Taylor will be joining Kristian Nairn on Wee John Wonday! 10.30 pm GMT / 6:30pm ET / 2:30pm PT

= Watch Parties =

== Wrecked ==

There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr

  • Season 2 watch from March 11th to March 15th. 
  • Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 

Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.


  • #WreckedPirates
  • #SaveOFMD
  • #RhysDarbyFaction

== Deutsche Nachrichten / German News ==

Twitter-Watch-Along von Our Flag Means Death:

Streamt Staffel 2 ab dem 15. März.

  • Samstag, 9.3. 17:00 Folgen 1 bis 3, 
  • Dienstag, 12.3. 20:00 Folgen 4 & 5, 
  • Mittwoch, 13.3. 20:00 Folgen 6 & 7, 
  • Donnerstag 14.3. 20:00 Folgen 8 & 9, 
  • Freitag, 15.3. 17:30 Folge 10

Und anschließend bingen wir zusammen Staffel 2! 

Schaut und tweetet mit! 


  •  OurFlagRTL

== Kudoboard Reminders! ==

= Taika =

Kudoboard Link
The board will stay up until March 12th, and we will share the link with him on March 13th. The Kudoboard is monitored prior to approval to prevent trolls from jumping in (so if you don't see your additions right away, that's why!)

== Cast & Crew Kudoboards ==

In addition-- thank you to @sharpenyersword on Twitter for setting up ALL THE KUDOBOARDS! Rhys' birthday kudoboard will close on the 20th, the rest will close on the 22nd. There are more!  I missed some the first time! Sorry all!

Go send the cast and crew some love folks!

== Companies Doing Good Things! ==

While not OFMD specific, it's been called out that there are some wonderful things happening in regards to moms of our trans and non-binary siblings. Penzey's Spices is creating a Mother's Day catalog featuring moms of trans and non-binary kids! 
You can check out more info here if you're interested!

== Fundraisers ==

 = Our Flag makes a Difference =

Getting so much closer to the goal for eSIMs and Sanity Products of Gaza Fundraiser! It's up to 71% funded! Great job everyone! Thanks for sharing it around!

= Team Haven Belfast Update! =

== Love Notes ==

Hey lovelies. We're coming up on another week.It's only been a few days since Chaos Dad made the announcement, but I gotta say, it feels almost like a month. I been feeling it pretty hard, and I know so many of you have been struggling. We're all working through things in our own way, and in our own time, slowly but surely.
You really should be proud of yourselves. Look at you. Look at everything you've done in just a few days, hell in a couple months.The amount of people you've sent love to. The amount of lives you made better with a kudos/heart, or a kind word, or a message. None of us, no matter how well we know each other, know how much each of us is going through, and yet you still, throughout it all, put more love into the world. 
The world is such a better place with you, and your art, and your words, and your kindness, and you should be so incredibly proud of yourself. I know I'm proud of you. I know we're all so very proud of you. 
And you know what else? You're doing so much better than you think you are. These days especially, everything feels so much worse. Crappy things, compacting on crappy things, and then they try to take our solace away from us. But you know what? You're treading water, even if it feels like you're drowning, and sooner or later, you'll be able to swim again. 
Don't give up lovelies. We're all still here with you, and we're all so proud of you, and we all love you. Keep on sharing that beautiful spark of yours, it's catching, and it's making the world a much more beautifully bright place.