06/28/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Rhys Darby; Con O'Neill; Vico Ortiz; Rachel House; AOC's Charity Raffle Update; Articles; Renew As A Crew Donations Update; More Voting; 55th Anniversary of Stonewall; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Big Gay Energy Pod; Love Notes; 

== Rhys Darby ==

Annnd we're back with more from Final Fantasy XIV shorts! 

== Con O'Neill ==

"See you tomorrow you beautiful beasts for the f**k you workshops" -Con posted a reminder about his workshop tomorrow! You can still get tickets on https://shopstands.com/!

== Vico Ortiz ==

Vico attended the Nalip Media Summit today! They will also be joining Kristian at Rose City Comic Con later this year!

== Rachel House ==

Another interview with Rachel!

== Adopt Our Crew Raffle Updates ==

Only a few hours left on the @adoptourcrew Charity Raffle, and they've shot up to over $6,300! We'll see tomorrow how high it went!

Source: AdoptOurCrew Twitter 

== Fiber Arts Brigade ==

Speaking of Charity events-- the Fiber Arts Brigade ebay auctions, items made by out lovely fan-crew are going to be ending soon for week 2! You can check out them out below!
Fiber Arts Brigade Ebay Auction Page

== Articles ==

OFMD has been nominated for a Dorian Award for Best Unsung TV Show! You can visit the article at awardswatch.com here. Our friends over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to alert us of the nomination!

== Renew As A Crew Donation Update ==

An update from our old crewmates Renew As a Crew! They've put together a final record of how much money was raised for Rainbow Youth over the past 7 months.
Down below the images there are links to receipts, and donation pages!

== More Voting ==

OFMD is currently at Rank 4! Can we go higher?
Ranker: The 600+ Best TV Shows Over the Last 5 Years

== 55th Anniversary of Stonewall Riots ==

On this 55th Anniversary of Stonewall Riots we remember who it was that sparked the stonewall riots and led the fight for queer rights! Pink News put together a very detailed article if you'd like to learn more about the history of Stonewall. Thank you to the Trans Women of Color, and Lesbians (and all others present) at Stonewall for your fight for LGBTQ+ rights.


Source: Pink News

== Fan Spotlight ==

= Cast Cards =

More cast cards tonight from the darling @melvisik! First up is Mike Berlucchi, "the cinematographer who, according to AdoptOurCrew, 'has been submitted for Outstanding Cinematography in a Comedy Series for Man on Fire'".Next up is Louis Flavell-Birch, a Bluecoat!  

= Big Gay Energy Pod =

New episode of Big Gay Energy Pod! This time covering Season 2: Episode 4!  

Source: Big Gay Energy Podcast Twitter

== Love Notes ==

Hey there lovelies! It's Friday again-- and I'd just like to take a moment to really drive it home how wonderful you are. 

Did you see how much money has been donated/raised by various groups over the past several months? So many beautiful pieces of artwork, and fiber arts, and writing, and commissions of all sorts have been donated to raise money for such wonderful causes-- and you know who did that? You did!

Whether you donated-- or made something to auction/raffle, or reblogged a link, or supported the artists by telling them how amazing their art/writing was--- YOU helped make this happen. 

One of the things I love about this fandom is just how much you all rally together to make a difference. It's been almost 7 months since the first cancellation notice, and while it's been hard, I constantly get to see just how much your kindness and creativity continues to do. Everything listed above isn't even CLOSE to the amount donated by this fandom.

You may never know how your donation impacts someone. Whether that is youth in Aotearoa, or Queer Elders with Sage USA, or just a crew member in the fandom would really needed something you made to give them a smile to keep going. Sometimes just your kind words, or your likes can give that little bit of extra love that someone needs when the world feels veiled in shadow. 

You continue to be the light we need -- and that isn't limited to if you can afford to give-- your kindness, and your love, all of it makes a world of difference to someone in this tiny yet somehow vast world.

Keep shining lovelies, you're an absolute inspiration.