05/07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Con O'Neill; David Jenkins; Rachel House; Dominic Burgess; Ruibo Qian; Lindsey Cantrell; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; Gentlebeard Wedding Week; MerMay; LoveNotes;

= Cast & Crew Sightings =

= Rhys Darby = 

Rhys is in the new season of Monsters at work as Roger Rogers! If you have access to disney plus, check him out! Also-- new mini Tiktok from The Cryptid Factor! If you have Tiktok, please head on over to The Cryptid Factor Tiktok and give them some love! If not, the video is below!

= Taika Waititi =

Some more shots of Taika from the after party of the Met Gala (after getting to escape the leather).

Src: The Taika Archives on Twitter

= Con O'Neill =

Con is out in LA! Just some quick shots with him and Cooper. 

= David Jenkins =

Just a brief sighting of Chaos Dad! Thanks @ iris_simpkins46 on twitter for the awesome edit and bringing Dad out of hiding again!

= Rachel House =

Some more photos from The Mountain premiere in New Plymouth with Rachel House!

= Dominic Burgess =

Dominic got nominated for the Annual NewFilmmakers LA Award! congrats Dominic!

= Ruibo Qian =

Our lovely pirate queen has sent us some words of wisdom and love notes <3

Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram

= Lindsey Cantrell == 

Lindsey has been inducted into the Our Flag Means Daddy crew! Thank you @ ourflagmeansdaddy for sending some love her way!

== Fan Spotlight ==

= Cast Cards = 

Another cast card from @melvisik tonight! "Tonight we have the First Mate of the Spanish Captain in Stede and Ed's first fuckery. "Es un faro... ¡Cambia el rumbo!" 

Source: @melvisik's Twitter

== Never Left Podcast ==

New episode of Never Left Podcast is out! This time around: The Gravy Basket! Visit  https://linktr.ee/neverleftpodcast

Source: NeverLeftPodcast Instagram Artwork by @ AmysBirdHouse

= Gentlebeard Wedding Week =

So many of you have probably seen that Gentlebeard Wedding Week has begun! There's SO MANY great prompts out there and so many people filling them! I ran out of room for images-- but please please PLEASE go check out the @gbweddingweek Tumblr! There's artists/writers you've probably seen before and others you may not have! We have such an amazing talented community out here! https://www.tumblr.com/gbweddingweek

== MerMay ==

@snejpowa =

Our wonderful crewmate @snejpowa has more MerMay prompts for us!

Day 6: Seabird | Day 7: Soup

More Pixel art from the brilliant @blueberreads! I love this scene so much- and omgosh look at the little Nathan "Cool Guy" Spriggs Smoking <3 

Day 7: Soup

== Love Notes ==

"Hold faith and love in the constancy of your becoming, as I am holding it for you too" - Ruibo Qian

So I really loved this quote from our pirate queen today. Seriously, every single day you are "Becoming" you. You are moving forward, you are making progress no matter how big or how small. She believes, I believe, you should believe too lovelies. You are gonna get where you want to go in the time it takes, there is no set timetable.

Please read her love note again. You are wonderful <3