06/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Samson Kayo's Birthday!; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz; Anapela Polataivao, Samba Schutte; MoonglowingWithPride; FanSpotlight:  Cast Cards; OFMPride Colouring Pages; Pride Month; ErosTheArtist;AnaCrowley; Love Notes;

== Samson Kayo ==

Today is Samson's birthday! So much love for our wonderful Oluwande-- Happy Birthday Samson!!!

== Rhys Darby ==

New Cryptid Factor! This time it's The Magic Bank issue! Check it out on Spotify for the podcast version-- the video will be released on The Cryptid Factor podcast in the next few days!

== Taika Waititi ==

Can I just say how nice it is that Taika is posting on Instagram again? It really warms my heart seeing he's feeling more comfortable again <3 Also it's great to see his sense of humor hasn't changed. 

Source: Taika Waititi's Instagram

== Vico Ortiz ==

Vico has so much going on right now! Today they were on with Nikki from "Don't Tell My Mother" and talking more about the upcoming show on the June 25th! Wanna watch? Check it out here! You can get more info on the live show/livestream on the Don't Tell My Mother website!

There's also a new episode of Date My Abuelita First! is out!  Listen to the newest episode on your favorite Podcast platform! 

Source: Date My Abuelita First!'s Instagram

Are you on Vico's Patreon? If so, there's new BTS! If not-- for $10 for a month you can have access to all the Exclusive BTS! There are quite a few dancing shots going on in these... from quite a lot of the crew, including a certain Captain. 

=  Anapela Polataivao =

A new article on Auntie and all the amazing work she's doing!
Check it out!  Anapela Polataivao on Stepping Up To The Work

= Samba Schutte =

Samba sending love to Samson on his birthday, and wishing us all a Happy Summer Solstice!

== MoonglowingWithPride ==

Reminder! Today is the start of #MoonGlowingWithPride! Happy Solstice everyone!
Thank you @xray-vex for organizing this!

== Fan Spotlight ==

== Cast Cards ==

Tonight's Cast Card by @melvisik is Karl L! He's listed as a British soldier, as well as an 'Action Extra'!

== OFMD Colouring Pages ==

More Our Flag Means Pride colouring pages from our dear crewmate @patchworkpiratebear and released by @adoptourcrew!

== Pride Month ==

= Eros The Artist =

Some gorgeous Pride Month art from our friend @erostheartist! They're keeping busy and have lots of new work coming along!

= AnaCrowley = 

Another one of our lovely crewmates, @anacrowley has released some beautiful Pride Month artwork as well! 

== Love Notes ==

Hey there lovelies! Happy Solstice and Happy Friday! It's finally the end of the work week coming up for some of us, and it's time to get some rest if you can. 

Have things been changing for you lately? Are there parts of your life you weren't expecting to go in the direction they did? Maybe it's moving you in a positive direction, maybe not so much. 

I try to remember, that just like the seasons, sometimes we're not ready for changes, but they do need to happen. They keep life interesting, new, and they provide new perspectives, and new opportunities. 

Today the sun has set in your part of the world, and tomorrow, it will rise again, and so will you lovelies. You will get up tomorrow, and no matter what you're up against, you will make it through-- I whole heartedly believe in that. Believe in yourself, you are wonderful, and capable, and you've got this <3

So much love coming your way friends, change is hard, but it's so very lovely too in the long run. It'll be okay one day.