TLDR; Rhys Darby; Zayre Ferrer; Con O'Neill; Samba Schutte; Kristian Nairn; David Fane; Anapela Polataivao; Dominic Burgess; Rory Kinnear; Hugo Pierre Martin; Fan Spotlight: 35K on AO3; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Love Notes: David Jenkins; Rosie Carnahan Darby; Con O'Neill; Samba Schutte; Ruibo Qian; Vico Ortiz; Dominic Burgess; Resources;
Hey crew... doing things a bit different. There was so much love sent by the cast and crew I'm going to put them all in the love notes section and highlight some other stuff going on in the main areas.
= Rhys Darby =
Sneaky Rhys pic from the set of Little Lorraine!
Source: Instagram
= Zayre Ferrer =
We don't see our beloved writer, Zayre Ferrer come out too often, but they popped out to share this wisdom with us. they recommend reading "Let's Move The Needle: An activism handbook for Artists, Crafters, Creatives, and Makers" by Shanon Downey. I've already got my audible copy, there's physical, digital, and audio available.
Source: Zayre Ferrer's Instagram
= Con O'Neill =
The first of some love notes/pics from Con to help us all cope!

Source: Con's Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
Samba, our BTS Angel was kind enough to try and keep our spirits up on the night of the election and he brought us this BTS! Need a transcript? You can visit here.
Source: Samba's Twitter
= Kristian Nairn =
Kristian is joining The Republic Of Pirates on November 22-24 in Heathrow UK! For more info, visit!
Source: Kristian's Instagram
= David Fane =
David Derrick Jr (Co Director of Moana 2) - sharing love for David <3!
Souce: David Fane's Instagram
= Anapela Polataivao =
Auntie's film Tinā is now an official selection for the PERTH Festival!
Source: Tinā the Film
= Dominic Burgess =
Dominic is once again blessing us with cat content <3
Source: Dominic's Twitter
= Rory Kinnear =
Our dear Nigel and Chauncey Badminton was recently out performing at White Rabbit/Black Rabbit!
Also, some of our crewmates at the show got to meet Rory! NicNacN00 and Trixn_Treats on twitter were kind enough to allow me share this-- thanks you two!!
Source: NikNakN00's Twitter
= Hugo Pierre Martin =
Our fabulous Valet and fellow crewmate, Hugo left twitter! Wanna stay in touch? Visit his Instagram or His Spotify Work
Source: Hugo's Insta
== Fan Spotlight ==
= A03 hitting 35K =
So I could have sworn I shared this before but I couldn't find it, so just in case, here it is again! Great job everyone 35K fics under the OFMD TV Tag!
Source: @ramsaybaggins Twitter!
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
Our friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction wanted to remind us of this particular episode. Check it out on Spotify.
Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Love Notes are going to be a bit different tonight. So much of the cast sent love so I wanted to share them here.
I am not going to be able to say anything more than what they've said, but I want you to know this.
I know you're all hurting so much. You have every right to be angry and frustrated, and scared. Take some time to yourself. Get some rest, create something, drink water, take your meds.
Fall back on others for help. You mean so very much to so many of us, and we will feel the loss of any single spark of you so profoundly. You are wonderful and worthy of this life, so please live out of spite if you have to-- but please don't leave us. We'll figure this out, and we'll fight what's coming, and we'll fucking win.
I'm including some resources under the love notes for mental health, activism, and support lines. Please feel free to share more if you have them.
We love you crew. We love you, and we care what happens to you, and we will link our arms and fight for you. Feel your fear and despair today, maybe even for a week or so, but come back refreshed, and rested, and know we're here waiting, and fighting with/for you. We will make it through this together.
= David Jenkins =
Source: David Jenkins Instagram
= Rosie Carnahan Darby =
Source: Rosie's Twitter
= Con O'Neill =
Source: Con's Insta
= Samba Schutte =
Source: Samba's Insta
= Ruibo Qian =

Source: Ruibo's Insta
= Vico Ortiz =
Source: Vico's Twitter / Black Liturgies Instagram
= Dominic Burgess =
Source: Dominic's Twitter
= Fandom Love =
Harold's Haunt and @ringasunn, sent you all some love. If you're in the Pittsburgh area, please join them at Harold's Haunt at 6pm ET.
Source: Harold's Haunt Instagram
Our crewmate @smudgeandfrank sent some love notes as well <3
Source: Smudge & Frank's Instagram