02/15/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Cast&Crew; Rhys; Samba BTS; Con O'Neill; New Watch Parties: NextGoalWins; Watch Party Reminders; A Safe Space Ship; Hoff The Beaten Path Drama; Florida SuperCon; VDay FollowUp; WooAsACrew Apple TV; Card/Memes; Germany s2; UK BBC Radio; Stats; Articles; LoveNotes;

Wow yall, I actually have to do a 2 parter today for all the crap that happened. Just. WOW.

= Cast & Crew Sightings =

 = Rhys Darby =

Rhys' IG blew up today with all sorts of photos. This was after Samba BTS dumped on us earlier in the day, because apparently our fragile brains needed to explode.

Just to add to the excitement of the day, there were 2 cameos added. 

  1. Regarding Short Poppies - On Cameo - IG link = tysm @lividturkeys and Short Poppies Crew! for the video!
  2. Regarding Rhys' Cats! - On Twitter / GD = tysm @elphia_3 for this vid! 

Oh look, Rhys is trending on twitter, I wonder why?!

 = Samba Schutte BTS =

Everybody say thank you Samba because HE SERIOUSLY DELIVERED today and this time it's featuring Taika!!!!

Pictures first, video links below. 

Src: Samba's Instagram 

Some background pictures of the videos produced some VERY INTERESTING research material.


= Con O'Neill =

Con O'Neill left a really wonderful thanks today, and special shoutout to @ringasunn and all the folks who contributed to his Con O' Neill Love Project! 

Src: Con's IG

If you missed the love projects or want to see part 4, here's the links to the Instagram videos:

== New Watch Parties! ==

Wanna check out NextGoalWins? It's available on Hulu/Disney+ Watch Party: Feb 25, 2 pm PST, 5 pm EST, 10pm GMT

Watch Party HashTags:

  • #OurFlagWins
  • #AdoptOurCrew
  • #SaveOFMD

= Feb 16: Ongoing Watch Parties = 

People of Earth S1 is still going strong! Episode 9&10 tomorrow Feb 16, at 4PM CST/ 10PM GMT Replay of episodes  1-10 Saturday Feb 17,  8 AM CST /2 PM GMT Need help? Contact @iamadequate1!

== Uncle Season 1 Watch Party == 

Episodes 4 5 6 tomorrow Fri 16th Feb! GMT - 8 PM / ET 3PM / PST - 12 PM and as always those outside the UK: VPN Article

== A Safe Space Ship Meetup! ==

Remember the in-person A Safe Space Ship event in San Diego CA on the 11th? A bunch of the crew got together and got some fantastic pictures at the Maritime Museum of San Diego! Check it out!
 Src: Fangirlfoto IG

== Hoff The Beaten Track Drama ==

Apparently some studios didn't pay their bills so there's some drama going on with Rhys' show Hoff The Beaten Track. If you wanna read the article without a paywall visit: No Paywall / Paywall

== Florida Super Con ==

Who wants some Revenge? 🏴‍☠️ Welcome aboard the stars of Our Flag Means Death, Vico Ortiz and Samba Schutte to Supercon! Join these pirates July 13 and 14 for a weekend full of Autographs, Photo Ops, and a cast panel. Buy tickets now or walk the plank: Supercon24.com/BuyTickets⁣
Photo Op and Autograph onsale dates will be shared soon.
Src: Florida Super Con IG

== Valentine's Day Follow Up ==

Some other cool stuff happened on Valentine's Day! 

== Woo As A Crew Apple TV ==

The @saveofmdcrewmates sent some flowers to the folks at AppleTV who run video programming! Talk about Killing with Kindness! Thank you @ragsandmuffins @SharpenYerSword and @Queer_synastry for donating to the cause!

== More Cards / Memes ==

Since now I suddenly have WAY more pictures I can post because this is a 2-Part Recap, there were some other LubeAsACrew, and Valentine's Day cards / Memes I wanted to pass along. David Fane loved the Fang/Roach one below and shared it on his IG Story! 

@pan_od_tortur ^



@blueberreads^ / @miladybranwen on IG ^


= S2 of OFMD in Germany Mar 15th! =

Wanna help make s2 a huge success in germany? Let's use some of those reviews we've already made and add them to the German review sites! Be sure to use translation sites or reach out to @ScnellaBella on twitter or @quirkysubject here tumblr for help. 

Review Sites: 

== UK BBC Radio Reminder! ==

== Stats Stats Stats! ==

Thank you @phemokoira for some awesome stats regarding the 5th most popular digital original TV show!

Also @lucyrosebutler sent some amazing stats to prime today, I just wanted to include all the really great info:

== Articles ==

== Love Notes ==

Hey lovelies. Again, another day of kicking ass and of such elevated dopamine and love. I literally felt like I was vibrating with all the excitement today. I'm very tired and gotta figure out how to make this whole Part 2 thing work so I'm going to leave you with some other people's words. Love you crew, I have a surprise for tomorrow.