06/08/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Rhys Darby; Con O'Neill/ErrollShand; Vico Ortiz; Rachel House; Ruibo Qian; Voting Reminders; Love Notes; 

Hey crew this is a short and late one due to family obligations. I got what I could in, and I should have lots more for you tonight if I can get to it. Have a great end to the weekend!

== Rhys Darby ==

Lots and LOTS and LOTS more pictures of Rhys out at To 29 and Beyond! 

Source: EndlessHoneyMoonPod Instagram

Stills Source: Visit29Palms Instagram

Source: ManzanaTeach's Twitter

== Con O' Neill == 

Con O'Neill is out on a new project! And Erroll is out trolling him, haha. 

== Vico Ortiz ==

Vico out at the Tribeca Festival!

Source: VIco Ortiz' Instagram

== Rachel House ==

The Mountain is being featured at the Sydney Film Festival! Rachel and the kiddos from the movie are there!

== Ruibo Qian ==

Ruibo send some lovely words again.

== Voting Reminders ==

= Tell Tale TV Awards =

Reminder! The second round of voting for the Tell-Tale TV Awards Final day is today June 9, 9pm EST! Please be sure to get your votes in every day! Vote here.

= British Podcast Awards =

Hey! More voting opportunities for our dear captain Rhys Darby! If you feel inclined, we'd love it if you'd vote for The Cryptid Factor on the British Podcast Awards to help out Rhys, Dan, and Buttons!

== Love Notes ==

Remember to take some time for you today lovelies. This is short because I'm taking a bit of that advice as well. Go get some rest, have some fun, feel some grass under your toes, and drink some cool crisp water.  You deserve some time for you <3 

Source: @ GladYoureHerCo Instagram