02/13/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Kudoboard; CaseyBloys/David Zaslav Shenanigans; Cast&CrewSightings;  Samba Schutte;  Con O'Neill; Ruibo Qian; Wendy Andersen; In Person Events; WatchParties; LubeAsACrew; People of Earth; Articles; Netflix WooAsACrew; Love Notes; 

== Kudoboard Last Chance ==

Throwing this up top so you don't forget-- anyone who wants to add anything to the Kudoboard please message me tonight so I can get you the password to post. I'll be up for the next two hours so we've still got time. 


== Casey Bloys ==

Whelp, Casey Bloys stepped in it again by posting an article by The Wrap about how True Detective was the most watched season on max. As you can imagine, a good chunk of the crew started calling BS on that, what with the Parrot Analytics stats from yesterday. 
Well, some of our favorite hashtags started trending this morning... #OhBloysHeMad and #TheNumbersWereThere 

Twitter Trending: #OhBloysHeMad 1,054 Posts Our Flag Means Death - Trending #TheNumbersWereThere 1,693 posts

And in case you needed to see some more data that Bloys was full of crap--- Thank you to our dear friend @quirkysubject for pulling in Rotten Tomatoes Average Tomato-meter Ranking in with the Parrot Analytics Data in this awesome chart!

Not terribly long after, apparently the comments on The Wrap article really started to irritate ol Casey boy because he turned off comments on the post.

Twitter user Danielle! #SaveOFMD @DandeeCakes Text: Lmaoooo #OhBloysHeMad #DontStreamOnMax #Lies @CaseyBloys Picture: Displays 'True Detective: Night Country' Becomes Most-Watched Season link to a thewrap.com article. Circled is a notification saying: Who can reply? Accounts @Caseybloys mentioned can reply

BUUUUUUT Our dear crewmate @spanishjenkies was kind enough to save a video before hand! So there's evidence of the trolling. Visit their twitter thread here.

Some of the crew has decided to go a bit further with the glorious Passive Aggression and started sending Casey Bloys gifts! @single_cat_mom sent him a Casio Compact Calculator to help him with his future numbers!

Twitter used Florence Sherman - SaveOFMD S3 @single_cat_mom Text: I have made a lot of cosplay, and people have been so lovely about it. But the most beautiful thing I have made is the donation of one calculator to Casey Bloys' office. If my humble gift can make numbers easier for this poor executive, then I think that's beautiful. Picture Description: Amazon Receipt Screenshot displaying a calculator. Picture Text: @CaseyBloys Numbers are hard. Hope This Helps!

Annnnd our crewmate @ofmooshd got a cockroach at the zoo named after ol Casey Bloys! 

Twitter user: moosh @ofmooshd Text: anyway I donation $10 to name a cockroach after @CaseyBloys  #OhBloysHeMad Image Description: Thank you for supporting San Antonio Zoo by naming a cockroach after your not-so-special someone this Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day!

Truly legendary levels of Polite Menacing today, m'dears! What a day!

In other WB/Max related news:

Did you know there's a petition to get this ... person... fired? If you wanted to sign that, here you go: Only if you wanted to of course.

== Cast & Crew Sightings ==

= Samba BTS =

Samba went hog wild today with the BTS, some lovely folks on tumblr posted the videos. (THANK YOU SAMBA!)

Today’s Crew Shoutout: the unequalled @oneill.con who plays Izzy🏴‍☠️ Part 1, because there’s more great shots. Also spoilers☠️ Oh and flipping me off just means ‘I love you’….⚔️ #OurFlagMeansDeath #ofmdseason2 #bts

 Crew Shoutout part 2: @oneill.con as the legendary Izzy Hands whom we all loved🏴‍☠️ Spoilers ahead!!!☠️ This man can act, sing, dance and look sexy in a green sock. Coached him a little in French for ‘La vie en rose’, but he didn’t need it🙄⚔️❤️ #OurFlagMeansDeath #ofmdseason2 #bts

Just a couple of highlights, please visit this post to see all the pictures. You can also visit Samba's IG.

= Con O' Neill =

As usual, our favourite Unicorn, Con O'Neill is over here supporting the hell out of the saveOFMD effort and sharing the Parrot Analytics results.

= Ruibo Qian =

Our Venerable Pirate Queen Ruibo Qian is back on Instagram with more inspiring words for us. 

 The illusion of separation is an artwork, a riddle, a treasure hunt of discovery, the ultimate quest to uncover the unique divinity in every soul we encounter. It is a magnetic emanation from the core essence of our evolution, patiently calling us back to the wholeness and authenticity of our true integral presence. We recognize each moment as a completed perfection because it is the interwoven story of all creation we animate and return to in each now.  The awareness we hold of the story is what allows us to express increasingly wondrous permutations of our own mythology. Everyone presenting in your reality is here to unlock a unique, dormant aspect of you asking to be birthed. What now appears random is in fact intricately intertwined - the clarity of correlation presents only in hindsight. This is the grand holy puzzle of incarnation. The sequence, the unfolding, is all lived in pure perfection. Hold faith and choice in your personal power, love, magic, and freedom. ♾️✨❤️

= Wendy Andresen for #TaikaTuesday =

So I know that normally #TaikaTuesday is a thirst factory (and don't worry it still was) but I just had to make a shoutout to our absolute gem Wendy Andresen (one of our Red Flag crew) for posting a picture of her pup Peanut cosplaying as Taika for #TaikaTuesday. 

Twitter User: Wendy Andersen @WendyWings It is actually already Wednesday in New Zealand and this isn't technically Taika but the #SaveOFMD crew love Peanut so here he is in disguise AS Taika, you're welcome lol #TaikaTuesday.  Image Description: A fluffy white and brown dog wears a pineapple button down shirt surrounded by mock film equipment

For those of you unfamiliar with the reference shirt:

PIcture 1: Taika Waititi in a pineapple button down shirt.  Picture 2:  Twitter User: Wendy Andersen @WendyWings It is actually already Wednesday in New Zealand and this isn't technically Taika but the #SaveOFMD crew love Peanut so here he is in disguise AS Taika, you're welcome lol #TaikaTuesday.  Image Description: A fluffy white and brown dog wears a pineapple button down shirt surrounded by mock film equipment

She was kind enough to post more too when asked!

Twitter user: Wendy Andresen @WendyWings More fake Taika #TaikaTuesday (in my defense these pics were done during out very long lockdown and I had literally not seen another human in weeks when these were taken and I did them as an in joke for a friend (along with the Peanut as @TwoPadocks series))

I adore how much she supports the #SaveOFMD effort and she is always a delight to chat with. Sending all the love her way! <3

== In-Person Events! ==

Today at the Our Flag Means Death Matelotage Processional several of our crewmates came out in costume with signs and showed support at the WB Gates! Thanks to all the crew who attended! Thank you @aimeekitty for sharing these pictures! Their IG and Twitter

 Had fun showing our support for #ourflagmeansdeath at WB’s gates today! Also legit made friends with a security guard. 🤜🤛🖤. Have you signed the petition yet to get #ofmd renewed?? Help us out! #saveofmd #wooasacrew #stedebonnet #edwardteach #gentlebeard

== Watch Parties ==

= Lube As A Crew = 

It's baaaaack! Valentine's Day: 4PM PST, 8 PM ET, 12:00 AM GMT S1 Ep 8, 9 10 with @astroglideofficial

If you've bought Astroglide recently please consider doing some reviews! They would love the support. You can @Astroglide and use #ReviewAsACrew

As you can imagine, the memes are back too <3

== People Of Earth S1 Ep 5, 6 ==

#PiratesOfEarth has been going great these last couple days! Thank you again to @iamadequate1 for organising it! Next episode 5 and 6 tomorrow the 14th! at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST / 4PM CST / 2 PM PST 

== Netflix #WooAsACrew Video ==

More love for the streaming platforms! 🌹💕🐙 Vocals: @sgtbeatlespotter Video: @giulianaazr on Twitter

== Updated #WooAsACrew Calendar! ==

Looks like tomorrow the goal is to WOO FX! Twitter  / Instagram / Tumblr Tomorrow is also a great day to be creative! Make some cakes! Or flowers, or drawings! Anything! Let's see some sweet stuff!

== Articles ==

Have we seen this one? I can't remember anymore, some more Parrot Analytics from January. Ty to @drcfxtina on discord for sharing!

== Uk Crew Updates ==

Thank you to @queerly-autistic for capturing this! Guess who's front and center on the top recommendations? You guessed it! OFMD!

Image Description: Picture of OFMD on iplayer Text: My best friend just sent me this - they logged in on her mum's iPlayer account, which they've never watched the show on before, and here it was: front and centre and top recommended!   Keep going, UK crew! We're doing good!

== Love Notes ==

Hey there lovelies!! Guess what time it is? I've had too much caffeine and I've taken my adhd meds on time so I'm Here, Queer, and ready to Cheer!

Look at everything you all did today! Do you see this list? And that's just a minuscule coverage of the pure polite chaos that ensued! I literally cannot add any more pictures because just so much has happened. We are 36 days in the Gravy Basket and you all are just ramping things up! 

The tenacity, and creativity of this crew never ceases to amaze me! 

There are more fundraisers in the works... (I'll post more when I know more) there's a slew of events,  watch parties, and pure camaraderie everywhere! Everyone's making amazing memes, and artwork and fics! Seriously, you all should be proud of yourselves!

Not to mention, some of the most important things of all-- I am seeing SO MUCH SELF CARE. You are reaching out to the crew for support, you're taking days off, you're having fun and being creative for you... getting back to pet projects and doing things you enjoy!

You all are doing SO WELL. You are kicking ass, don't forget that! We'll have our down days, but no matter what you are making waves all over the place, bringing positive things to this world! As a side note, I wanted to mention, I know tomorrow can be a tough day for a lot of people. It can lonely, or bring up good or bad memories. Please be sure to reach out to your crew for love if you're struggling. We love you, and even if it's a platonic love, it's overflowing here for you. You are wonderful, and we want to send you all the love we can.

That being said, I'm gonna end tonight with another note from @thelatestkate that I needed to hear a lot recently so I'm gonna share it with you too <3

Image of a Ferret that is multi colored (white head, pink chest, darker pink and orange rest) Text says: I know it wasn't easy so thanks for sticking around for another year. Artist: TheLatestKate