02/07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; More Rhys Cameos; Damien Gerard; Hugo PIerre Martin; More Samba BTS Feat. David Fane; Cosplay Day; Feb 8 Events: #WeLoveSamson; Upcoming Watchparties; UK Fan Effors: Radio!; YouGov Tutorial; Stats; Schadenfreude;  More Clowning; Morale; Love Notes; 

== Cast & Crew Sightings ==

Another Rhys Video on Cameo! This one in particular had a lot of folks clowning today. You can watch the video on cameo-- it's the newest one 3:51 seconds long with him in the hat and the red shirt. I tried to download it and upload it, and tumblr literally lost all my drafts because of it, I have no idea what happened so I'm not doing that again lol. Instead, here's the short video of what triggered the clowning.

"Thank you so much for all your support on Our Flag Means Death, they'll be more stuff happening in the future, keep listening and watching, and uh, yeah, peace out, Rhys Out, Don't let that Octopus out! BuhByeeee!"

Thank you @Jodegg for sharing this video with us!!!

== Damien Gerard! ==

Damien Gerard gave us a new BTS photo for #WearFineThingsWell

== Hugo Pierre Martin ==

Hugo, aka our friend the french doorman from The Best Revenge is Dressing Well poked his head out! We'd love to have you doing venues sir!

==More BTS from Samba!==

It's a David Fane themed day! Wanna see the videos too? Head on over to Samba's IG!

==Cosplay Day!==

Today was cosplay day and lots of folks shared their awesome costumes from today or over the past couple years! These are just a few highlights! Please feel free to hop over to IG or Twitter for more!

== Events for Feb 8! ==

Tomorrow is #WeLoveSamson Day! Let's show Samson Kayo some love for all his hard work and various characters! Feel free to reach out across platforms to send him some love!  Pic Src: Samson's IG

Twitter / Instagram / Facebook

== Watch Party Reminders! ==

No watch party for Feb 8, but Feb 9 we've got: Love Birds Watch Party on Feb 9th - 9 pm GMT, 4 pm EST, 1pm PST.

Watch Party Hashtags:

  • #AdoptOurLoveBirds
  • #AdoptOurCrew
  • #SaveOFMD

== UK Fan Efforts ==

Fans are reaching out to radio stations in the UK! Very cool guide put together by @TeeHeeSeason3 on Twitter for contacting BBC radio stations in the UK regarding what to place to help support the OFMD Renewal.

== Focus Groups ==

Remember the focus group/surveys we mentioned yesterday on yougov.com? Well some folks have been trying to sign up and been having some issues finding OFMD, so our lovely, sweet, amazing @libbyroseitm was kind enough to make a tutorial for everyone! Twitter Thread. YouGov rating tutorial! Make an account first, then follow these steps. If you'd like to see what kinds of questions it asks for you to sign up, visit here
Step 1: On your Account page, scroll down until you see a link for "View All Ratings", and click that

Step 2: You'll be taken to a screen that says "Rate Everything", click on the link for "Not What you're looking for?" and it will pop up a model that gives you a button to click that says "Previous Version" Click that.

Step 3: Once in the new version, type the name of the show (or actor, writer, etc) you'd like to rate

Step 4: Select your show when it pops up, and then rate it and add an opinion if you'd like!

Special Notes: 

  1. People probably aught to be careful to keep personal information to themselves. 
  2. You can search for actors and other films and tv shows related to OFMD, not just the show itself. 
  3. Vote on things other than OFMD so they don't get suspicious.


As always, special thanks to our dear friend @meowzawowza_ over on twitter for their constant stats updates 

== Schadenfreude ==

Awww, looks like WB Discovery Inc is still trending downwards. How sad.  Thank you @btweenhisteeth for keeping us up to date on these sad sad times for WB!

== More Clowning ==

So today I learned of this "Honk Weather Control Center" account on twitter (@HonkForecast) and I have to say it's pretty great. So far for several days they've had "clown" forecasts for how much we should be clowning. Love it. 

== Morale == 

Definitely head on over to Rhys' New Cameo video if you haven't already because as always his sunshine is a big ol dose of Vitamin Darby right to the soul and there's nothing that can replace that feeling!

== Love Notes ==

Done with your Rhys love? Great! But now you have to endure my unconditional love as well! *Maniacal laughter*

Are you aware that you are so very loved, my dear? 

But also, did you know you're worthy of love?

All the love--- Like every kind you want (platonic, romantic, parental, agape, etc)

You are not difficult to love. Not at all.   

You are not too much, or too little, 

you're exactly the right amount, 

and you are worthy of love just the way you are.

I've probably said it before, but I want you to know just how imperfectly perfect you all are, and every moment of every day you deserve love and happiness and everything you want in life. 

The world is such a better place with you in it and all of your crewmates want you to know that. We care for you deeply my friends.

You matter, don't ever forget that. 

Night lovelies <3 

PS: I never say it but thank you for all the lovely comments in the tags! They always make me smile, yall are the best!