05/13/2024 - 05/19/2024: SOFMD Event Calendar

Alt text: Save OFMD event calendar for May 13 to May 19.  Long image description in replies.  Long description:  Graphic titled ‘SaveOFMD Schedule Week 20 May 2024. It features 7 rounded boxes, one for each day, on the left and two bigger rounded boxes on the right. The Save OFMD Crew logo is in the bottom right hand corner. The 7 smaller boxes on the left contain information for each day: Monday May 13: ‘# Save OFMD: # MerMay! We are in the midst of MerMay Season! We encourage creators of all kinds to check out our prompts!’ Tuesday May 14: '# Fine Fabric: Wrangle some twine! SOFMD’s Fiber Arts Brigade are looking for artists to join/donate to the auction. Share your work!' Wednesday May 15 and Thursday May 16: ‘# Our Flag Means Death. Vacation! Take a load off, crew.’ Friday May 17: ‘# Our Flag Means Death: High Ranking! Let’s keep up OFMD’s Ranker scores! We’re indestructible little fuckers!’ Saturday May 18: ‘# Our Flag Means Death. Vacation! Take a load off, crew.’ Sunday May 19: '# Our Flag Means Death Fanart: Express yourselves! Patchwork Pirate Bear has created colouring pages for the fandom. Let‘s colour in one of their wonderful creations!' Each day includes the SaveOFMD MerMay sticker.  The first of the bigger boxes on the right holds the following information: 'All week: Use # Our Flag Means Death when talking about our lovely show. Stream OFMD on iPlayer and RTL+. Let’s show Max the numbers they could have had. Join the Fiber Arts Brigade! Vote up OFMD on Ranker. There are plenty of lists, and you can do it every day!’ There is an arrow to a QR Code for Ranker. Below that, the second of the bigger boxes contains information for this week's watch parties: ‘Palm Royale’ Season 1. Thursday Episodes 10-11. 1pm PT / 4 pm ET / 9pm BST. Via @LCWebsXOXO on Twitter. # Palm Royale # Our Flag Means Death # Save OFMD. Wrecked Season 3. Monday - Friday: 2 Episodes. 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST. Check out @ aspirantabby42 on Twitter or gentlebeardsbarngrill on Tumblr for details.’