08/12/2024 - 08/13/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz; Kristian Nairn; Samba Schutte; Leslie Jones; Dominic Burgess; Alex Sherman; WBD News Articles; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;

== David Jenkins ==

Chaos Dad has certainly been living up to his name! He's been keeping the fandom busy with reposting lovely artwork from our crew, and responding to various ponderings!

Source: David Jenkins Twitter 

He even confirmed some Evelyn/Mary Theories made by our dear friend @patchworkpiratebear!

== Rhys Darby ==

Some more shots of Edinburgh Fringe! 

== Taika Waititi ==

Just a quick vid of Taika out in Ibiza a couple weeks back!

Also-- 3 years ago Aug 13th, Free Guy came out! So folks are celebrating the anniversary!

== Vico Ortiz ==

Vico has been posting lots of pics lately-- but recently shared that Aug 12 was their 2 year anniversary with Jack!

In other news, Vico will be honored with the Coyote Courage Award a the 1st Annual 29 Queer Film Festival! Thank you to @adoptourcrew for highlighting this amazing honor for Vico!

Here's the Article: https://z1077fm.com/29-queer-film-festival-announced-for-september/

Vico is asking for some feedback! You can send it to them on their Instagram Story!

== Leslie Jones ==

Leslie met Sha'Carri Richardson!

== Samba Schutte ==

Samba's back in Holland!

== Kristian Nairn ==

The new Audo Drama Podcast -- Dungeon Masters with Kristian is finally out! Check it out wherever you love to listen!

Spotify Link:


== Alex Sherman ==

#AssTonight has been extended to #AssTomorrow and #AssForever! 

And if you didn't love Alex enough, he's been a camp counselor for the "Experience Camps", which is a non-profit that helps transform the lives of grieving kids through summer camp programs and year round initiatives!

== Dominic Burgess ==

Dominic is out at the new Alien Premiere!

== WBD News ==

More Articles on WBD and the tanking stocks!

Source: Never Left Podcast Twitter 

Source: Never Left Podcast Twitter 

Source: Never Left Podcast Twitter 

== Fan Spotlight ==

= Cast Cards =

More cast cards tonight from the wonderful @melvisik! You just keep bringing more and more of our lovely crew to light! Thank you hon!
First up is Kian F, and Marcin K! They are unspecified but Mel thinks they're Action Talent found via ofmd-crew.com!

The next up almost needs no introduction, she's our fabulous Costume Designer for S2, Gypsy Taylor!!

And last but not least, you probably recognize her from all her BTS, Set Dresser, Lindsey Cantrell! 

= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =

New Epitizer from Our Flag Means FanFiction! Ready by Cheesecake3! Check them out here! 

OFMFanfiction needs your help! Help them pick a new sign off slogan!
Reach out to them on their instagram!

= Never Left Podcast =

New episode of Never Left Podcast! Part 3 of Motifs! Check them out on your favorite listening platform!

== Love Notes ==

Hey there lovelies, another busy couple of days. My son starts kindergarten tomorrow! Boy how time flies, huh? I feel like I was pregnant like last month, and here he is grown up and 5 years old, and off to school. 

Do you remember those days? I remember my first day of kindergarten. I'm 38 years old, and that's still a day I remember.  I remember the brown wall with the pink buttlerflies of my classroom, and the desks I'd never seen before. I remember being scared...wondering why I was in a new place I didn't recognize,  but I remember having such a great time too. I remember counting to 25, and reading Berenstain Bears books, and making friends and I don't remember a lot of other days from that year, but I remember that one. 

It's amazing what little things in life we remember, even 30+ years later. Remember to take a moment to smile and enjoy things even when they're a bit scary lovelies. Sometimes they turn out to be wonderful memories. 

I hope you're all staying healthy <3

Just some quick love notes tonight-- the first from our Pirate queen, and the second from the darling TheLatestKate <3

Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram

Source: The Latest Kate's Instagram