Clips, Gifs, Visuals

== Images / Gifs / Media ==

The following google drive is filled with media created by folks on the SaveOFMD Crew that have given permission for you to use in any context regarding the renewal campaign. The files are tagged with names, and the file name will have the artist name in it just before the file type. Please credit the creator on any platform you are sharing on.

Want to submit your creations to the repo to be used in the renewal effort by other fans? 

We have a permission/submission form

== Shareable Media With Credit By Artist ==

Looking for some gifs to use with your posts to the various platforms? Several of our awesome crewmates have given us permission to share some of the ones they've made!

PLEASE NOTE: These gifs take a long time to put together and really are an art, so please be sure to tag the gif-maker whereever you're posting or link back to the individual source you got them from

 (Ex: If we link to a tumblr page, use the tumblr page link as opposed to the repo)


Our friend @bizarrelittlemew on tumblr and twitter put together some great ones for us, there are some examples below, and here's the full thread of gifs!

Src: bizarrelittlemewSrc: bizarrelittlemewSrc: bizarrelittlemew



Our lovely @kiwistede made some great custom gifs you can use to tweet and message the platforms with. 

Check out their tumblr here 

Src: @KiwiStedeSrc: @KiwiStede



Blackbonnet / Gentlebeard Gifs
src: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet 
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet

Ed Teach Outfits

src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet 

src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet 
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet

All Kisses 

src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet 
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet 
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet

All Stede's Outfits

src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet

src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
src: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnetsrc: @blakbonnet
