04/06/2024 - 04/07/2024 Weekend OFMD Recap

TLDR: David Jenkins; Taika; Samson Kayo; Nathan Foad; Erroll Shand; Nat Torres; GLAAD votes; Cheers McQueers: Variety Show; Fundraisers Status (so close!); Watch parties; Fan Spotlight: CastCards; OurFlagMeansFanfiction; Sluts; Love Notes;

== David Jenkins ==

David's out here retweeting all your Sluts art/edits, just so yall know <3

== Taika Waititi ==

Some sneaky Taika hidden away in Rita's IG posts for today.

== Samson Kayo ==

A rare sighting of Samson! Src: Samson's IG

== Nathan Foad ==

Just Nathan being fucking adorable. Src: Nathan's IG

== Erroll Shand ==

Erroll is out here keeping an eye on us. @blueberreads and @cosmosart-s seem to be on his radar lately :P

== Nat Torres ==

Caught a rare glimpse of our lovely Nat Torres and their pup Archie! "Archie in Bloom"
Src: Nat's IG

== Remember to Vote for OFMD on GLAAD! ==

To Vote, Click Here

== Cheers, McQueers! ==

Our Flag Makes A Difference is hosting an ofmd themed variety show in Los Angelos in July! Are you in the area, and interested? Fill out their form!

== Fundraisers ==

SPEAKING of OFMaD! As you probably already know because we've brought it up a few times, OFMaD has been running a fundraiser to help get esims and sanitary products to people in Gaza. Well guess what? It's in the home stretch! 94%, only $401 to go. If you have a few dollars to spare, or would be willing to share the link, please do so with eSIMs and Sanitary Products for Gaza.

For Our New Unicorn is also getting close! 85%! 

== Watch Party Reminders ==

Taskmaster NZ Season 1 WP via @saveofmdcrew. April 7, 10, 12. 2PM EDT/7PM BST/11AM PDT 

  • #QuarterMaster
  • #OurFlagMeansDeath
  • #TaskMaster

== Fan Spotlights ==

= Cast Cards =

Yesterday and Today's Cast cards are Amanda Grace Leo (aka Tiff), and Dan Considine (aka that one guy who wants parts of the Englishman)! Check them out in their other shows! Thanks as always @melvisik!

= Our Flag Means Fanfiction Giveaway =

== Love Notes ==

Hey lovelies. Happy weekend! I really truly hope you all had a wonderful time and got some relaxation this weekend. As you can tell, people are back to clowning and honking, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see it. 

I know a lot of people are worried about getting their heart broken again-- it's okay to not want to throw your whole self into honking right now. We get it. If you do feel up for it, and want to, please do, it's invigorating, and restorative, and there's nothing wrong with hope (and if you're not ready, that's okay too). 

Hope is what keeps us going every day. Hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a kindness, hope that others circumstances improve-- hope that one day our circumstances will change, or if we are happy with the ones we have, that they'll never change.

Hope, and love are so important in this world. This world can feel so heavy some days, I know it's felt a lot heavier lately for so many. Please know that you're allowed to hope, and allowed to dream, and allowed to feel joy and hope even when others don't have it. 

Remember to be kind lovelies, to yourself, and to others. We're all out here doing our best, and I truly hope things are heading in a good direction for you. You can do this. Lastly is a goofy, but appropriate graphic by KatieAbey. You are so powerful m'dears, more than you will ever know.