German Review Site Instructions

By BellaSchnella


  1. Go to

  2. Click the “login”-button in the upper right hand corner

  3. You have two options: Login with your twitter, facebook, google or apple account | register a new account

  4. Login with your twitter, facebook, google or apple account: 

just click the appropriate button, confirm the login, and you’re done. 

  1. Register a new account:

    • Click “Jetzt kostenlos registrieren”

    • Type in an email - can be a burner account but you’ll have to be able to access it - password (save it!), accept the ToS and do the captcha, if necessary.  Click “Registrieren”

    • Go to your email and click the confirmation link. You are now logged in.

  1. Type “Our Flag Means Death” in the upper left hand corner and click “suchen”

  2. Click the eye button to put it on your watchlist and the check mark to say you have watched it.  

  3. A pop-up will appear where you can rate the show by clicking the stars.

  4. Alternatively, you can also rate it by clicking the stars in the show description directly.

  5. Go and rate some other shows so it’s not too obvious you’re just there for OFMD 😀

  6. Done! The site doesn’t have other options to review.

  1. Go to

  2. Tap/hover over “Mein Konto” in the upper-right hand corner

  3. You have two options: Login with your facebook or google account | register a new account

  1. Login with your twitter or google or apple account:

    • Click “Einloggen”

    • Click the facebook or google button


  1. Register a new account

    • Click “Konto erstellen” 

    • Type in your email - can be a burner account but you’ll have to be able to access it - password (must contain a number, a lowercase and an uppercase letter; save it!) and click “weiter”

    • Accept or change the suggested user name, accept the ToS and click “Account anlegen”

    • Go to your email and click the confirmation link. You’ll be automatically logged in. 

  1. The site then wants you to follow people and tell them which movies you’ve seen - just ignore that and click “weiter” at the bottom of the page.

  2. Search for “Our Flag Means Death” in the search bar

  3. You can now rate and review the show (you can’t add to watchlist at the same time).

    • Rate by clicking the stars

    • Review by clicking the button “Kritik schreiben”

      • You can review the entire show and also every individual season!

      • When you’re done, click the yellow button “Kritik veröffentlichen”

    • Read the reviews others have left and give them a thumbs up! 

  1. Go and rate some other shows/put them on your watchlist.

  1. Go to

  2. Click the icon in the upper right hand corner. 

  1. You have two options: Login with your facebook account | register a new account

    • Sign in with facebook

      1. Click on “Anmelden via Facebook”

      2. Accept cookies and access

    • Register a new account

      1. Click on “Jetzt kostenlos registrieren”

      2. Type in a username, password (save it!) and email - can be a burner account but you’ll have to be able to access it. Confirm you’re over 16 years of age and that you agree to the ToS. Do the captcha, if necessary and click “Registrieren”

      3. Go to your email and click the confirmation link. 

      4. Login:

  1. Search for Our Flag Means Death in the Search Bar at the top of the page

  2. Scroll down until you see the field “Deine Bewertung” at the right hand side.

    • Click the heart

    • Pull the slider all the way to the right

    • Click the eye symbol (“currently watching”)

  3. Click on “Zum Episodenguide”

  4. Rate and heart Season 2, then scroll down to Season 1 and do the same. You can click all the eyes too, if you like - it just means you’ve seen it.

  5. If you want to leave a review, you’ll have to wait 24 hours (because your account is new)! Rate some other shows in the meantime. 

Then head back to the main OFMD site. Scroll down all the way until you get to “Kommentare”. Type your comment into the field and hit “Kommentar speichern”

  1. Click “gefällt mir” (like) on other positive comments

  1. Finally, you can scroll up a bit to the “Cast & Crew” section and favourite some of them too.

  1. Don’t forget to rate some other shows if you haven’t already done so :)