05/24/2024 - 05/25/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Samba Schutte BTS; Vico Ortiz Phoenix Fan Fusion / Adopt Our Crew Coverage; Nat Torres; Guz Khan;  Pansexuality/Panromantic Visibility Day; Emmy Considerations; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; 

Hey crew, sorry for another 2 dayer, it's been a lack of sleep week with the kiddo so I'm just behind on all the things. 

== Samba Schutte ==

More BTS from Samba, getting some of his own medicine of following people around with the camera.

== Vico Ortiz ==

Vico is at Phoenix Fan Fusion!

= Adopt Our Crew Coverage of Phoenix Fan Fusion =

Our crewmates over at AdoptOurCrew had a representative at the con and were kind enough to give a breakdown of Vico's Panel! Thanks @adoptourcrew!

= Nat Torres =

Nat out here making me tear up. 

= Guz Khan = 

Guz is out at a match <3 See More of it on his Instagram

== Happy Belated Pansexual/Panromantic Visibility Day! ==

Yesterday, May 24, 2024 was Pansexual / Panromantic Visibility Day! Sorry for the delay, meant to post it yesterday and then life got crazy.  Sending love and hugs to all our Pan-crew out there.
We see you, we love you, and you make the world a better place by being here!
Wanna learn more about Pansexual/Panromantic Visibility day or our Pan Crewmates in general, you can visit: Heckinunicorn.com

== Emmy Considerations ==

As you've seen floating around, various crew members are trying to help get Rhys Darby nominated for Lead Actor in a Comedy Series! Attached below are several graphics you are welcome to use!  Per the Our Flag Means Fanfiction crew, you don't need to credit anyone, just use them liberally with the hashtag #Emmy4RhysDarby! Graphics Google Drive

In addition! There are lots of crewmates also trying to get Con O'Neill nominated for an Emmy for Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series! #EMMY4CONONEILThere's also a google drive for that as well: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Con Google Drive

== Fan Spotlight ==

= OFMD Cast Cards =

Our delightful crewmate @melvisik has more cast cards for us tonight!First is "an executive producer of season 2 who played a 'Middle-Aged Man' in Wherever You Go, There You Are -" Adam Stein! and second is "the Rum Vendor who's only got one kind - cheap" - Lee Tuson!

= OFMD Colouring Pages =

More Colouring pages from the one, the only @patchworkpiratebear! This time no logo but lots of stained glass and textures to work with!
Lighthouse / Seabird

== MerMay ==

= Blueberreads =

More pixel art from the outstanding @blueberreads! So glad that Ned got included. Look at that adorable little kitten.
Day 23: Dagger  / Day 24: Murder is a Natural Cause 

= Snejpowa = 

Today we've got more MerMay submissions from the terrific @snejpowa! Loving that Evelyn <3
Day 24: Murder's a Natural Cause / Day 25: Unicorn

== Spencer Does Artt ==

Annnnd we're finally caught up on the the marvelous @ spencerdoesartt on Instagram! So many Mermay submissions, so little time! Check them out below! I am also scared that Roach might actually kill someone with that Sammy.

= Hannah's Handmade Magic = 

More Chibi Mermay from the adorable @hannahshandmademagic on Instagram!These were for Day 6: Seabird / Day 7:  Soup / Day 8: Jeffs Inn By the Sea / Day 12: Moonglow

= Love Notes =

Hey there lovelies! I hope you're having a wonderful start to the weekend. It's once again been a busy week. I can't believe that it's already almost June. What the hell happened to the last few months?

Tonight, I wanted to chat a bit about how sometimes we can feel like we're a bit too much. I know we've chatted about that before but I wanted to remind you tonight that sometimes it can feel like we come off too much, even to the people we care about. We care too much, we do too much, we're too loud, we're too this, we're too that. It can feel like we're just more than the world can handle sometimes.

There's something to be said about moderation, but I'll be honest with you, I love it when you shine. I adore it when you're so much that I see you beyond all the rest. I enjoy your unhinged fun and ideas, and  kindness and sillyness. We are not always going to be everyone's cup of tea lovelies, and for sure, we should practice moderation when we can-- but today, or whenever you feel safe to soon, you should shine.

You should be unabashedly, unequivocally you. Shining doesn't mean you have to be loud about it either if that's not your jam. Ultraviolet light shines and does some crazy stuff in the world around us and we can't even see it with the naked eye. Sometimes what you do is silent, and impactful, and sometimes what you do is loud, and brilliant. Just be you lovelies. That's what you deserve, to be you, and all that comes with that.

I hope you get some rest this weekend and remember that you yourself are enough and while we all strive to better the way we talk to people, better the world, understand others, etc, you are wonderful every step of the way-- don't forget that. Take care crew <3 Rest well.