04/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; David Jenkins; Con O'Neill; Jes Tom; Damien Gerard;  Save OFMD Crew; Relax I'm From the Future; Fan Spotlight: Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Cast Cards; Colouring Pages; Articles; Love Notes;

== David Jenkins ==

Img Src: David's IG / Kinga's IG

== Con O'Neill ==

== Jes Tom ==

On WED MAY 15th show at 9PM, Jes Tom will be at Asian Comedy Fest at Sugar Mouse in NYC! Want tickets? Visit Asian Comedy Fest

Img Src: Jes Tom's IG

== Damien Gerard ==

Damien having a lovely hair down kinda day :) Img Src: Damien's IG

== Save OFMD Crew ==

Save OFMD Digital Advertising van follow up! Last month the trust overheated halfway through the paid for window so yesterday it got it's final chance to show streamers how much we want out show back. Src: @saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr

== Relax I'm From The Future! ==

Relax I'm From The Future is streaming in AoNZ! Thank you @wastingyourgum for keeping us posted <3

== Fan Spotlight ==

= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =

Coming Monday 04/22, our awesome crewmates over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction will be running a "The Lore of the Ring" episode! Check it out when it comes out Monday!

Src: Our Flag Means Fanfiction IG

== Cast Cards ==

As always, our awesome crewmate @melvisik is keeping us busy with more cast cards! Today  is Cerris Morgan Moyer, or otherwise known in OFMD as "Victoria Archer, who assured Mary Allamby that her future husband was not some derelict..." Thanks Mel!

Src: @melvisik's Twitter

= OFMD Colouring-In Pics = 

More colouring pages from our lovely crewmate @patchworkpiratebear! Get your creativity on and color in some OFMD related art! I may or may not be printing these off for my son and I to work on tomorrow...PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr 

== Articles ==

Our friends over at @adoptourcrew on twitter highlighted some great articles over on twitter. AdoptOurCrew Twitter Article Thread
Forbes Article on Black Sails (mentions OFMD)

7 Shows Like The Great

Sun Article on Historical Series

== Love Notes ==

Happy Saturday my dears! I hope you are finding some time to relax today-- it feels like this past week was like a month long! We're coming up on the beginning of the week again so please remember to get some rest tonight if you can. 

Do you ever feel anxious for seemingly no reason? Do you feel like you start talking to a group and then somehow everything just feels 10 times heavier? I know I do a lot. That's the part of our brains that have been dealing with so much crap for so long that it's trying to protect us from potential emotional harm again. It's been trained to question whether or not we've said the right thing, if our tone was non-offensive enough, if we're annoying someone. 

It's doing it out of protection for us, but it can make things a lot harder in the long run.  If you're feeling that kind of anxiety, please remember that it may just be your brain chemistry...and most likely no ones upset with you, or feeling like you're awkward, even if you yourself feel that way. You haven't done anything wrong with engaging with others, and you certainly deserve a chance to do so. Tell your brain to take a break too-- take a shower, or a bath, or heck, just splash some cold water on your face. We are our own worst critics lovelies, and sometimes we have to put a mute button on our own inner voice to get some peace.

You're doing great lovelies. Remember that. Don't let the anxiety succeed at making you feel like you're not good enough. You are good enough, and you're doing great. Finally, here's your gentle reminder to please go eat something, and definitely drink some water. I know it's a lot just to exist sometimes, but you're making it happen, be proud of yourself for that. You got this <3 Sending love and good vibes <3.