01/29/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; RenewAsACrew/SaveOFMDCrew; UK News; Current UK Efforts; How to Help the UK Crew; Pets for Pirates/ Cast & Crew Sightings; Upcoming Events; Jan 30 Push the Petition!; #OurFlagMeansDeadloch; #OurCrewMakesADifference;  How To Help; Stats and Trends; Love Notes;  Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika

Wow all. We had so much going on today I had to start a draft up way early. I hope I caught it all-- as usual please let me know if I didn't!

== Save OFMD Crew==

So it looks like the sun is finally setting on #RenewAsACrew and #SaveOFMDCrew is taking their place. I'm going to include their infographics from twitter here. I'm reaching out to them regarding other socials so I'll update this once I have them. One thing I notice from reading through all this is that these folks are using our #SaveOFMD hashtag that we've been using along with #RenewAsACrew to help keep the brand up, which is great! I know that was something a lot of us were concerned about. 

==UK News== 

Thanks @lamentus1 for keeping us up to speed on what's going on with the UK Crew!

= News =

In the UK our focus is mainly on promoting the show since season 2 will arrive here on Monday night. News wise one of our UK fans  @LisaHafey wrote this great article for essentially pop  ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Set To Make Bittersweet Return To BBC2 Amid Fan Efforts To Find The Show A Safe Harbour No word yet on Wee John Wednesdays start date yet, but he seemed keen to do a podcast afterwards so fingers crossed!

= Current UK Crew Efforts =

The UK Crew has been working hard tweeting at Netflix and Netflix UK, Amazon Prime and Amazon Prime UK, and Apple TV+ using the following hashtags: #renewasacrew, #saveofmd #adoptourcrew
We have also been tweeting about the UK actors in the show, focusing on the other shows they’ve been in and hoping to gain viewers from other fandoms. Example Tweets you're welcome to use! @LibbyRoseITM made some illustrations to show the other characters each had played which we also tweeted. Twitter Thread: 

= How to Help =

**Let's make the S2 release a HUGE success!** 

  • We'll be tweeting #RewatchAsACrew #OurFlagBBC in addition to the usual.
  • Season 2 will start at 10pm on Monday Feb 5, so that’s 5pm ET and 2pm PT. 
  • We'd really like to see a huge boost in viewers to help support #AdoptOurCrew! We think a lot rides on how well it’s received in the UK.

 **We have a few resources including:**

**Reach out to your local Students!** 

We had the idea of getting OFMD fans who are students to put Our Flag Means Death posters up around campus. Perhaps they can also see if the LGBT student groups can help to promote the show. So we are on the lookout for students! 

= Upcoming Efforts =

We also want to tweet/email at the UK TV guides to tell them how much we love the show. Getting some contacts together.

= Outside the US Support =

For those outside the UK,  There's a lovely guide on how to watch with iPlayer as well if you want to support the efforts - Thanks @reallygoodplants

==Pets for Pirates==

There was an AMAZING turnout today for #PetsForPirates. If you wanna checkout the thread on twitter and you have a login you can visit: #PetsForPirates 

There are SO MANY pictures I can't include them all in this post but i'll try to include plenty

 TW: There is a Spider in there, I put it near the end in case you wanted to skip by (I love spiders but just wanted to warn because I know there are some folks with phobias)

== Cast And Crew Sightings ==

The main cast sighting I'd like to point out today is the lovely Damien Gerard, our Father Teach, participated in the #PetsForPirates with his sweet babies! It was so sweet to see him coming out to support everyone! Thank you @damientgerard!

==Upcoming Events==

Tomorrow there will be some efforts to really push the petition! Please see below and thanks to @LCWebsXOXO on twitter for the info!

Renew As A Crew was kind enough to also share a QR Code you can use to help people get to the petition! Looks like 100K is the next goal!

==Twitter Watch Parties==

=Our Flag Means Deadloch Watch Party=

Hey all! New Watch Party tomorrow 01/30/24 at 9 PM GMT (1 PM PST, 4PM EST). Episodes 1-2 for the first night, 2 a night after. Deadloch is available on AmazonPrime

Watch Party Hashtags:

  • #OurFlagMeansDeadloch
  • #SaveOFMD
  • #AdoptOurCrew

== UK Watch Party ==

Wanna join in the fun with the UK folk?

Place: As mentioned above you can do so using  this lovely guide on how to watch with iPlayer as well if you want to support the efforts - Thanks @reallygoodplants Time: Season 2 will start at 10pm GMT on Monday Feb 5, so that’s 5pm ET and 2pm PT.

Watch PartyHashtags:

  • #RewatchAsACrew 
  • #OurFlagBBC
  • SaveOFMD
  • AdoptOurCrew
  • RenewAsACrew


This is still in the works, but apparently  Feb 4th is U.S. National Homemade Soup Day! @sgtblackbirdpie has been kind enough to let us know more information once it's available!

== Articles ==

==Our Crew Makes A Difference ==

New Fundraiser dropped to help Gaza with eSIM purchases and Sanitary Products by OurFlagMakesADifference. They've already helped fund multiple campaigns to help the people of Gaza. 

BTW when I post this, we're already at $900/8000 HOLY. MOLY ALL!

==How to Help ==

How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US ^-- These will be updated with items from todays recap tomorrow morning.

==Queerties Reminder==

Since these are going on for a while I'm gonna add them to the daily task list so you can reference them there. OFMD Categories: TV Comedy Best TV Performance Taika/Rhys verse: Kaimana for Best Film Performance in Next Goal Wins!


Some cool stats people are using for tweeting netflix, thx  @peachilys

Also #PetsForPirates and #AdoptOurCrew did really great today!

== Love Notes ==

Wow. Just wow. Look at this list of stuff. Please pat yourselves on the back. Do you see this? This is crazy. Tomorrow marks day 21 in the Gravy Basket and you all have blown everything OUT OF THE DAMN WATER. Seriously, can I even say anything that this entire recap doesn't tell you already? You are WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS.

Say it out loud: "I am awesome, I am kind, I am creative, I am generous, I am gorgeous!" CAUSE YOU ARE!

Everyone's been talking about feeling like tomorrow is gonna be a good day and I'm with them! Be safe, get some rest, all the love my friends!