08/28/2024 - 08/29/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Ruibo Qian; Vico Ortiz; Ruibo Qian; Nat Torres; Eliza Cossio; Damien Gerard;  Cortney Andersen; Call To Action: Yahoo Survey; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;

== Recap Status ==

Hey friends, my family member finally had surgery and he's alive but there are complications. I've compiled what I can for these two days, idk how useful it is. I'll try to get more done tonight since so much happened today but I'm not sure how far I'll get. Sending hugs and good vibes <3 Thank you for all the kind words and folks checking on me, sorry I'm slow to respond, been a lot the last few days. Pardon me for any mistakes, please feel free to let me know if there are.

== David Jenkins ==

David's mom Mary was just named US Open Employee of the Month! Congrats Mrs. Jenkins!

David retweeted this old post by Liam Gallagher <3

== Rhys Darby ==

= Cryptid Factor: Live in Edinburgh = 

Rhys and the boys have posted a a partial video of the first night of  The Cryptid Factor Live <3 Check it out on their patreon. 
Source: The Cryptid Factor Patreon
The episode of Expedition X with Rhys is out on Discovery! 

Rhys is being the best band manager Murray and promoting his son Finn's band! You can follow them on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/@greatbigcow

Yes, Rhys Darby has worn a kilt, take that information and do with it what you will <3

== Ruibo Qian ==

The Pirate Queen is playing around with filters and having a good time <3

Source: Ruibo's Instagram Stories

== Vico Ortiz ==

Vico made a shoutout to our beloved Samson <3

== Minnie Driver ==

New hair cut for our Anne Bonny!

== Madeleine Sami ==

More Double Parked BTS/promos from Mads and Crew!

== Nat Torres ==

I forgot about the other dogs that the cast posted for International Dog Day back on the 26th! Here's one of our awesome writers, Nat Torres' beautiful pup <3

== Eliza Cossio ==

Another one of our writers we don't see out and about too often has made an appearance! We miss you Eliza! So good to see you having fun!

== Courtney Andersen ==

Happy International Dog day from Courtney, The Revenge's rope maker and his pup! (David popped in to wish the Prince well too!)

== Damien Gerard ==

Happy Acting Anniversary to our dear Father Teach!  <3

== Call to Action:  Yahoo Feedback ==

Thank you to our friend Lucy over on twitter for bringing this to everyone's attention!


Source: Lucy on Twitter 

== Love Notes ==

Sorry I don't have a lot  in me right now to get the fan spotlight section together lovelies. I hope you're doing so well and staying healthy. I think about you all all the time. I found a few things that made me smile/had some good vibes, sending them along to you. Take care lovelies <3

Source: Anxiety Positive on Instagram

Source: St.AfterCigs on Instagram