06/15/2024 - 06/16/2024 Weekend OFMD Recap

TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Nathan Foad; Vico Ortiz; Eliza Cossio; OFMD Billboard Status; Articles; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Reminder; Fan Spotlight; Pride Month; Love Notes;

== David Jenkins ==

Chaos Dad  (or Pirate Dad)  popped out to send us some love on Father's Day <3 Thank you @ NoraKitty9 for sending him some love notes.

== Rhys Darby ==

Rhys and Rosie are out and about with friends!

Rhys was also on the Talking Strange Paranormal Show, where he was asked about OFMD. Warning, the commentary by Rhys is both wonderful, and heart breaking. It'll make you feel lots of things. Just FYI. 

== Con O'Neill ==

This Father's Day, Con is taking some time with Cooper to watch the game and send everyone some love. 

== Nathan Foad ==

Just some love from Nathan <3

== Samba Schutte ==

Our dear Samba shared some baby pics of him with his dad as well as him with his baby and Aria! Emoji's for privacy purposes for the little babe. Happy Papa's day Samba!

== Jes Tom ==

Jes has been busy busy and is going to be performing on June 30th. Check it out Corporate Pride with Jes Tom and Tessa Skara

Jes was also out at the 2024 Vision Awards!

== Vico Ortiz ==

Vico and Ane wishing everyone a Happy Daddy's Day!

== Eliza Cossio ==

A rare sighting from one of our lovely writers, Executive Story Editor,  Eliza Cossio!

== Hollywood Billboard's changed ==

Whelp, the Hollywood OFMD Billboard is finally gone. So ends an era. There's been speculation that because there's been so much fan FYC campaigning Max didn't need it anymore? Or maybe they paid for it just until Emmy Nominations went through and that's why it's been around so long. 

== Articles ==

== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup ==

Reminder! One Week Away!

== Fan Spotlight ==

== Cast Cards ==

Tonight's cast card is Alyssa Lane! One of our wonderful producers on OFMD! Thanks @melvisik!

Source: @melvisik's Twitter

== Blueberreads ==

Since today's Father's Day in the US, I thought I'd point out this awesome pixel art that @blueberreads has done of Chaos Dad <3

== Pride Month ==

= Eros The Artist =

Eros is back with more beautifully colorful work for Pride Month! You may recognise them from their Mermay work last month! Check them out on their socials! https://linktr.ee/eros_the_artist

Source: ErosTheArtist Tumblr

== Love Notes ==

Hey there lovelies. I hope you all got some good sleep this weekend, it's the beginning of another week coming up and you deserve to relax a bit. 

Remember that you deserve to relax, alright? Whether you've been incredibly productive, or done nothing productive at all. You deserve to relax, you deserve to take a break. Your "value" is not measured by your productivity. We all make our way through this life at our own pace and there's no shame in whatever speed you're doing it at. 

You deserve kindness from everyone else as well as yourself, and if you don't feel like facing the day, and you can take a break-- do it. Sometimes you need to listen to your body, even when it feels like you have too much to do. It'll be okay, and you aren't a bad person for taking that break. Sending lots of hugs and good vibes your way lovelies. Rest well. 

One last thing, I know today can give mixed feelings to a lot of people so I'll be brief as best I can and just send some other folks words. 

Source: Positively Present's Instagram