TLDR; Taika Waititi; AdoptOurCrew; Our Honk Will Go On; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes;
Hey lovelies, I'm taking it easy tonight and doing a quick recap. Today's a day off for a lot of folks so we'll probably start seeing some more things going on tomorrow/monday. Enjoy some rest <3
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika's out here getting some chores done. Src: Rita Ora's Instagram Stories
- First Rogue Taika Sighting
- Second Rogue Taika Sighting
= Adopt Our Crew =
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew sent out some love notes today. They're absolutely right, keep creating, keep talking, keep engaging. We'll keep it going.
= Our Honk Will Go on =
In case you needed a little boost, check out this masterpiece done by @ferventrabbit and @ragsandmuffins-ali
= Fan Spotlight =
It's Pop Pop! Our friend Cohen Holloway is in just a pile of works with Rhys and Taika, always good to see him get some love! Thank you @melvisik!

= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
Our lovely friends over at the Big Gay Energy Podcast have a new episode!
== Love Notes ==
Thinking of you all tonight. Just wanna say I'm so happy you're out there keeping going. Several of you have reached out for help and I know how hard that can be. You're doing great, we love you and we care how you are. Thank you for trusting us with that vulnerability, I know it's so very hard to do.
I also want to say thank you so much to all of you that reach out to all of us and send love when things are tough. You keep us grounded, thank you lovelies;
Tonight I'm sending some love notes that gave me strength today.
Remember we're here, and we're not going anywhere. Sending love your way m'dears. Rest well <3