TLDR; Birthday Boy; Rachel House; Taika Waititi; You Wear 50 Well; #RhysRadness; Stats; Watch party Reminders; Articles;
Wow, I'm sorry all, I literally fell asleep at the computer last night and just.. didn't get up til this morning. I apparently was pretty wiped out! So tonight's recap is this mornings recap! PS: Im behind on all my messages so please don't think i'm ignoring you :)
== Birthday Boy ==
As you can imagine, Rhys was everywhere today, on his birthday on this side of the world! Some more stills from Uproar from Caravancarparkfilms IG
He also posted some old and new pics of our captain!
Samba also gave us some more pictures!
And then there was the merstede cameo he did!
= Rachel House =
I keep wanting to post more about Rachel's new movie The Mountain but there's been so much Rhys stuff going on I keep forgetting! So here's some sweet promos for the movie that's in select showings in Aotearoa right now!
== Taika Waititi ==
Great news all! Taika got your lovely letters :)
== You Wear 50 Well ==
More tributes to the birthday boy!
= Tumblr Highlights! =
Lots more gorgeous tributes by our tumblr sibs!
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Stede Bonnet won #RhysRadness! As well he should! Our leading man in his major leading role. Congrats Stede!
Image /Video by @AdoptOurCrew
== Watch Parties ==
= Newark, Newark =
When: Saturday 23rd March @ 7 pm GMT / 3pm EST / 12 pm PST Where: BBC iPlayer, Now TV
Hosted by @lamentus1
Extra Note: The Rhys Darby Faction Discord will be streaming it as well at 5pm GMT / 1 pm EST / 12 pm PST

Watch Party Hashtags:
- #NewarkThePlank
- #OurFlagMeansDeath
== Wrecked ==
- Today is the series Finale!
- #WreckedPirates
- #SaveOFMD
- #RhysDarbyFaction
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
== Fan Spotlight ==
Today's cast card is none other than our fellow crewmate Hugo Pierre Martin! He's been supporting the SaveOFMD effort for a while as well as being a part of the show's cast! Thank you @melvisik for highlighting our lovely friend!
== Stats ==
Thank you @/meowzawowza_ on twitter for these awesome stats!
== Articles ==‘
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies, I fell asleep last night writing so I'm gonna paste in something from our dear friend TheLatestKate today. Definitely get some rest if you can, we can all persevere tomorrow.