TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; VicoOrtiz; Gypsy Taylor; Samba Schutte; How to Help: Ranker Polls; BBC News; New Appreciation Events; Rhys' 50th Birthday; NewarkNewark Watch Party with @adoptourcrew; Watch Party Reminders; PeopleOfEarth; TheseThems; SaveOFMDCrew; Calendar;Fundraiser Goals; LeapDayBingo; FanSpotlight; Collages;Trading Cards; LoveNotes;
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Vico Ortiz =
Sorry were you planning on getting anything done today?
- Vico has so much going on! "These Flowers Might Be Ours" read by Vico is available now on!
- Also too, ActNow: LA's LQBTQ+ Acting Class will be doing a scene study with Vico starting March 10th!

= Gypsy Taylor =
Our favourite costume designed Gypsy Taylor was interviewed by @screenaustralia! Check out the Podcast episode here.Src: Gypsy's Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
Just a little celebration of Leap Day!
== How to Help ==
Polls are still up!So that Ranker poll is still there! It's still taking responses, please feel free to stop in and push OFMD up! (You could even do it on multiple browsers!... not that I'd recommend something like that).
Our friend @patchworkpiratebear was kind enough to make a helpful infographic since it is a bit of a goofy set up.
Link to the Ranking
Step 5: You can actually rank the other shows and they still affect the ranking of OFMD.
== BBC News ==
So this was a cool catch by @queerly-autistic, our friend over here on tumblr and twitter. "A Pirate Comedy with a cult following". Talk about making noise!
I know I've seen several asks lately regarding whether or not the time slot change for OFMD on BBC was a good or a bad thing. @queerly-autistic had some great insight on this.
Please check out their thread here."It's a really great slot to have the show advertised in, and I was so surprised and thrilled to see them giving it that space (and specifically pushing people to watch it on iPlayer)"
== New Appreciation Events! ==
March 21: Rhys' 50th Birthday
Do you have prepared best wishes for our pirate captain?
Use the hashtag #youwear50well in your social media posts!
Also, here's a neat list of time zones to ensure our birthday wishes will be the first thing Rhys sees (depending on whether he's in NZ or LA at that time!)
Tweet/Insta at the times of your zone to ensure timely impact.
12 AM on March 21 in New Zealand is:
- 12 PM on March 20 for AEDT/Sydney
- 11 AM on March 20 for GMT/London
- 7 AM on March 20 for EST/New York
12 AM on March 21 in LA is:
- 6 PM on March 20 for AEDT/Sydney
- 7 AM on March 21 for GMT/London
- 3 AM on March 21 for EST/New York
Thank you so much to our lovely friend @yronnia and all the other folks working on this project! Super cool!
= More Watch Parties! =
Please join @adoptourcrew for a @NewarkNewark watch party on March 5th at 10 pm GMT/ 2pm PS / 5pm EST!
== Watch Party Reminders! ==
Coming down to the end of s2 Friends!
#People Of Earth continues tomorrow and then a whole rewatch on Saturday!
10 pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST!
Join @adoptourcrew on Friday 3/1 for a watch party of #TheseThems! Times haven't been secured quite yet but mark your calendars!
Watch Party Hashtags:
- #TheseThems
- #These Gems
- #AdoptOurCrew
== Save OFMD Crew ==
= Calendar =
Tomorrow is #ImmoderateCitrus Day! (National Sunkist Citrus Day in the US). Feel free to reach out to the @saveofmdcrewmates about citrus-related faves: food, drink, clothing, recipes, or art!
= UK Advertising Fundraiser =
The truck stretch goal was met! The final stretch goal is getting petitions up in the tube in the UK!As always friends, donating is not a requirement but if you want and can afford it, that's great too!
== Leap Day Bingo ==
Today was Leap Day Bingo!Bingo credit to the lovely @OFMDBingo42 on Twitter or @Our_Flag_Means_Bingo on IG! There are several versions, see how many you can find across our socials. 😘
== Fan Spotlight ==
Febuary 29 bring the February LOVE #OurFlagMeansDeath Collage Fest to a close! Thank you again @wndrngnomad for taking the time to make such lovely dedications to our favourite show, cast, and crew!
Wanna see them all? Check them out here!
== Cast Trading Cards ==
Appropriate timing considering all the Vico sightings we've been seeing lately! Our lovely @melvisik has done it again. I didn't realize Vico was in Harley Quinn!