01/21/2025 - 01/23/2025 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Happy Birthday Ewen Bremner!; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby;  Con O'Neill; Vico Ortiz; Gypsy Taylor; Andrew DeYoung / Andy Rydzewski; Damien Gerard; Articles; Fan Spotlight:  Nes & The Tiny Co-Captains; Never Left Podcast;  Love Notes; 

== Happy Birthday Ewen Bremner! ==

First and foremost, Happy Belated Birthday to our one and only Mr. Buttons -- Ewen Bremner! His birthday was on Jan 23! Hope it was wonderful sir!

A production still from OFMD season 1: Ewen Bremner as Buttons looks off to the side with Karl the seagull sitting on his head.

= David Jenkins = 

David sending us some love in these trying times. Remember to keep you humor, luvs.

Bluesky post from @ david-jenkins@bsky.social: ‘Get mad but stay funny.’

= Rhys Darby =

Rhys has been VERY active the last few days with SF Sketchfest going on amongst other things! In continuing with sharing his stand ups, we got more from the wallet in the skinny jeans bit!

= SF Sketch Fest =

In addition, some pretty cool stuff came out of the SF Sketch Fest! Rhys did stand up, but he also participated in the 45th Anniversary Live Read of Airplane! We also got some pictures that broke the fandom for a few days.

13 people sit side by side in folding chairs on a stage, with a 14th chair occupied by Otto the inflatable dummy pilot from the film 'Airplane!' Each person has a microphone and a metal lectern standing in front of them, and behind them, a large screen displays a picture of an airplane tied into a knot and the words 'Airplane! 45th anniversary live read', on a background of a blue sky with white clouds.

A photo taken from within the crowd at Rhys's stand-up show. Rhys is sitting on a stool in front of a blue curtain and looking at the audience as he speaks.

Group photo of the actors who participated in the 45th anniversary live read of 'Airplane!' 9 people, including Rhys Darby, stand at the back, one of them holding up Otto the inflatable pilot, while 5 people kneel at the front. They all smile at the camera.

Another photo from Rhys's stand-up show. It looks like he is dancing, or maybe just showing off his legs, which are clad in a pair of very tight blue jeans. He is standing on one leg while kicking the other leg up towards the right, his arms stretched out towards the left for balance. His head is turned towards the right and his mouth is wide open in a laugh or shout.

Photo from Rhys's show. His arms are raised above his head, wrists bent so his palms are facing down, and he is standing on one leg with the other bent at the knee and raised to just below hip level. He is looking at the audience with his eyes wide and eyebrows raised. On a stool next to him, there is a beverage can and a glass containing a dark drink and a straw or spoon.

Two backstage photos of Rhys. In the one at the top, he is standing in front of a wall in a corridor or small room, leaning forward a little with one hand up near his chest and frowning slightly, probably in concentration as he prepares for his show. The photo at the bottom is in black and white, and we see Rhys from the hip up, leaning against a wall in a more relaxed posture. He is looking down and to the side with a smile on his face.

Two more photos from Rhys's show. In the one at the top, Rhys's right leg is slightly bent and he is holding his right hand to his chest while reaching out to the left with his other hand. In the bottom picture, he is seen from further away, crouching down a little with both legs bent and his right heel raised while his toes still touch the ground. His hands are raised to about chest height as if to snap his fingers, though it is hard to tell at this distance.

Photo from Rhys's stand-up show. He is standing behind the stool with the drinks now, leaning forward a little with his arms spread wide as he speaks.

Portrait photo of Rhys, shot straight-on. He sits at a salmon pink table in front of a background of almost identical colour. He is propping up his head with his right hand, his elbow on the table, while his left forearm rests across the table top. He is looking directly at the camera with a smile, his eyebrows drawn up slightly in a soft, open expression. His blond hair looks artfully tousled, his ginger & white beard a little scruffy. He is wearing a black t-shirt with his RD logo printed on it in black & white.

Two more portraits from the same shoot with Rhys sitting at the table. In the top photo, Rhys is slumped forward a little with his right hand on his forehead, his fingertips digging into his hair. He is looking at the camera with his eyebrows drawn together, brow furrowed, and his lips slightly parted. In the bottom image, Rhys is leaning a little to his left with his elbows still on the table but now making a finger gun gesture with his right hand. His eyes are closed and his lips are pursed into an o shape.

A clip from the Airplane read! (thank you to @wastingyourgum for find it on facebook!)

Rhys found D (for Darbs) while out at the show! You can check out the SF Sketchfest BTS he has on his paid substack here!

Selfie of Rhys Darby. He is standing in front of a sign that reads ‘Area D’ and is smiling at the camera. The photo has been edited to add ‘arbs’ after the D so that the sign reads ‘Area Darbs’.

While Rhys wasn't actually present, him and his early career came up on The Dom Harvey show! Thanks Moosh for sharing!

= Con O'Neill =

Jan 22nd was the 10th anniversary of the show Cucumber - starring Con O'Neill!

Production still from Cucumber: a group of 7 people, including Con’s character, look at a phone screen in surprise or shock, their eyes wide and mouths open.

= Vico Ortiz =

Vico shared some heartfelt messages on their current journey/transitions going on in their life on their instagram. 

"Grief is such a painfully fascinating, terrifying, devastatingly beautiful and powerful experience. I am in constant awe of its transformative prowess. I must confess I am in the thick of it. Discovering the times I am paralyzed by it as well as times where I surrender to it and witness how it ebbs and flows within me. Transforming me. There are some things I was already expecting. But other things out of my control (the LA fires/Presidential transition being some big ones) one took me completely took me by surprise, the other I have been bracing myself for and I recognize that I am in swimming in the trenches. Im experiencing pain, joy, anger, celebration, sadness, frustration, gratitude…. All of it coming at me in chaotic order, showing up in the most random of places, and in ways I never imagined my heart and nervous system could experience. Im learning how to let myself be human each an everyday in a system that is determined to separate me from myself, from my/our humanity. It’s messy. It’s beautiful. It’s chaotic. It’s expansive.
While the fires have devastated me and have left me undone in ways I wasn’t expecting, one thing I am abundantly certain of: no matter what anyone says, regardless of their political “power”… I will always exist. Who I am and who/how I love is a non-negotiable. And I will fight tooth and fuckin nail for my/our right to exist visibly and I will be louder each and everyday because I deserve to be here in this world and you deserve to be here in it with me, celebrating who we are every goddamn day.
While I know IG is the only Meta app I’m currently using, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for ways in which we can engage in community that feels safe and affirming. Im enjoying the substack space with @todayingaypod as well Patreon and BlueSky! While TikTok was a good place, I’m currently putting it under observation after the whole shutdown/brought back debacle.
I love yall… I genuinely am so grateful that we have each other even if the systems put in place are whack af. Squeezing everyone tenderly 🫂
Enjoy a glimpse of many transitions, moments of levity and honoring ancestry through these photos 🫶🏽✨"

Mirror selfie of Vico Ortiz making a peace sign. They are wearing a baseball cap, an N95 mask and aviator sunglasses.

Photo of Vico’s new chest tattoo: a symmetrical design drawn in curly, thin black lines. There are 2 hearts with their rounded ends touching so that one heart is facing up and the other one down. Each heart's point ends in a small cross and a dot placed a few millimeters above it. In the middle where the hearts touch, slim fleur de lis-like shapes point out toward the left and right, one on each side.

Selfie of Vico. We see them from the chest up, reflected in the bottom right corner of a mirror hanging on a white wall. Vico is topless and looking at the mirror with a serious expression on their face, their head tilted to one side. Only part of the mirror is visible, the larger part of the image being taken up by the wall, and next to the mirror, the vine of a pothos plant reaches all the way down to the bottom edge of the photo. The room is lit in warm, natural light, and the plant casts bluish shadows on the wall.

Selfie of Vico and one of their partners kissing. They are both seen from about the chest up, each holding a glass containing a pale, foamy drink, probably beer. Vico is looking down at the camera while their partner is seen in profile, kissing one corner of Vico’s mouth.

Another mirror selfie of Vico, this time sitting up in bed. Against the wall next to the bed stands a wooden table with 2 tall mirrors on top, and we see Vico’s reflection in one of them. Vico looks down at their phone screen as they take the photo. They appear to be topless, but their chest is covered by a round hand fan leaning against the mirror.

Source: Vico's Instagram

Vico also posted More OFMD BTS on their Patreon!!

Still image from a video. It shows Samba Schutte as Roach, seen from the back as he walks up some stairs.

= Gypsy Taylor =

Some of Gypsy's works being highlighted from The Newsreader Season 3!

Instagram Story from @ MrMichaelLucas, reposted by @ GypsyTaylor: a photo of a young woman with long brown hair at a party. She is wearing dangly earrings and a strapless black dress with small white dots, 2 decorative gold chains at the front and a golden bubble hem. Below the photo are the hashtag TheNewsreader and the text: ‘@ PipNorthEast goes to Logies 89 in a glorious @ GypsyTaylor design …’

= Andrew DeYoung / Andy Rydzewski =

One of our Directors, Andrew, and our cinematographers, Andy are on their way to SXSW (South By South West) Film and TV Festival for their film 'Friendship'! It's an official selection! Congrats you two!

Instagram Story with the text 'SXSW here we come' above a post from @ a24: a photo of two men standing outside, both wearing puffy winter coats. Bare trees and shrubs can be seen out of focus in the background. The SXSW logo is at the bottom of the photo. Below the photo, the following accounts have been tagged: a24, andrew_DeYoung, TSRobinson23, JohnnyRHolland, FilmAndy, ChloeKarmin.

= Damien Gerard =

Our Father Teach, Damien, is blessing us with more and more cat content, Athena is such a work of art <3

‪Bluesky post by ‪@ DamienTGerard.bsky.social‬: Athena keeping me company while I'm the shower. She's just making sure I'm safe. Bless her. Image (description by Damien): Grey tabby cat sat on a tiled surface looking at the camera. She appears to be smiling at her wonderful and hot cat dad (because who wouldn't?)

== Articles ==

Thank you so much to @adoptourcrew for keeping us up to date in all things OFMD Article related!!
Bluesky post by @ AdoptOurCrew.bsky.social with a screenshot from the GeekSpin article‬. The post begins with a quote from the article, reading 'OFMD's LGBTQ+ representation and exploration of identity hit different because it portrays queer relationships without the typical dramatization often found in other media.' Over a year after cancellation, # OFMD is still considered one of the best shows on Max (giggling & blushing emoji, link to the article). The article screenshot shows an image of Stede on the Revenge in his teal coat and black cravat, above the text 'This period comedy series follows the adventures of Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby), a pampered aristocrat who abandons his life to become a pirate, eventually crossing paths with the infamous Blackbeard (Taika Waititi). Why It's Worth Your Time: It's a delightfully quirky take on the pirate genre, blending historical elements with modern sensibilities. Our Flag Means Death's (2022-2023) LGBTQ+ representation and exploration of identity hit different because it portrays queer relationships without the typical dramatization often found in other media.'

== Fan Spotlight ==

= Nes & The Tiny Co-captains = 

So I will spread this out over a couple of recaps because the massive Rhys section above took most of my picture allotment! But I wanted to take a moment to highlight the adorable artwork of Nes. 

Their Tiny Co-Captains are such a break in my day every time I stumble upon them. Whether they're spending time together, eating cherries, going on silly adventures, Nes brings such joy and life to them that I just wanted to take a moment and appreciate the perfect chibi co-captains and their fabulous creator.

I especially adore Archie and look at this super adorable snake for the Year of the Snake! If you aren't already following Nes, please check out their work below! It'll bring a smile to your face even on the roughest days!

Bsky / IG / Tumblr 

Bluesky post by @ NesLee.bsky.social‬: 'Ed and Merstede in a bowl of soup (old commission) (pot of soup emoji).' Attached to the post is a drawing of a tiny chibi Ed and MerStede inside, you guessed it, a bowl of orange-brown soup with a few carrot slices and herbs. Ed is relaxing with his arms stretched out along the rim of the bowl, his eyes closed and hair up in a bun, while Stede swims at the center with his mermaid tail fin peeking up out of the broth. He is looking at some carrot slices floating there and smiling with his mouth open in glee or astonishment.

Bluesky post by @ NesLee.bsky.social: ‘Archie for year of the snake (snake emoji). Kofi request (pink heart emoji). # OFMD’ Attached to the post is a chibi-style drawing of Archie with a big green snake wrapped snugly around her, all the way up to her neck, its head resting on top of Archie's head. They both look delighted with the situation: the snake is smiling contentedly with its eyes closed, and Archie is laughing, her cheecks flushed.

Source: Nes' Bsky

= Never Left Podcast =

A new episode is back, and this time they're talking about the story in Stede's spank book! 👀
Check it out on your favorite podcast platform!

Title card for Never Left Podcast episode 46: 'The Spank Book'. The background is a picture of the ocean. Text at the top reads: 'New Episode.' Below is the podcast's logo: 'Never Left' written on a ribbon banner above a drawing of a purple tentacle gripping a red & white lighthouse next to a dilapidated shack on a tiny island. To the left of the logo, a small audio player widget displays the episode number & title. Text at the bottom reads 'Learn more at linktr.ee/NeverLeftPodcast' below a black flag that reads 'New episodes every other Tuesday'.​​​​​​​

== Love Notes ==

I know you're tired lovelies. I am too. Been a hell of a year so far.

Please remember to rest, and take care of yourself. 

Drink your water, eat some food, and laugh if you can. 

The world feels dark, but you are the light within it. You make it beautiful, and keep it kind.

You will shine brighter when you can recuperate and rest-- so please take care of you for a while.

Sending Love your way <3

Instagram post by @ SweatpantsAndCoffee: a digital drawing of a person seen from behind as they sit on a grassy hill at night, next to a giant mug of coffee that reads ‘Sweatpants & Coffee’. A full moon and 3 shooting stars are visible where the sky is already dark high above, but the lower portion of the sky still glows with warm light, and text there reads: Here’s to all the brave souls who’ve taken on the responsibility of becoming aware and compassionate toward themselves and their fellow humans. It’s really important.

Source: SweatPantsAndCoffee Instagram