OMG is is already march? Today's a long one yall.
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
More BTS! The particularly exciting part about this post was Samba's words:
"Last scene of the season, it was a heavy one which required extreme focus and emotion, and I decided to clown around☠️ What were they gonna do, fire me?👀
#readtheroom #ourflagmeansdeath #ofmd #ofmdseason2"
A lot of folks are feeling like there are two important points in this message:
- "Last scene of the SEASON" (vs series)
- "I decided to clown around"
=Vico Ortiz =
Needed more reasons to love Vico? They're a Good Omens fan as well!
== Don't Panic! ==
Many of you have probably heard about a lot of Our Flag Means Death Props being sold off at auction. Several crew-mates have made some excellent points as to why not to panic yet. I saw a tweet somewhere and now of COURSE I can't find it, but just a reminder, props are not the SET itself. The Set not being sold off is a huge plus, props come and go.
Thank you to @OFMDBingo42 and @cumulativehchaos for your thoughts and reassurances regarding this!
And a final note I whole-heartedly agree with from @chaotickraken91
== New Charity Fundraisers! ==
#WeeJohnWonday Fundraiser
A new fundraiser in aid of @KristianNairn's favorite charity, Team HAVEN Belfast will be going live on Monday, March 4th!If you'd like to see last years documentation/receipts please visit #HonoringKristianNairnSource: @ForceMonument's Twitter
== Smiles for Samba! ==
It's finally #SmilesForSamba day! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the scrapbook and fundraiser in honor of Samba!
== Watch Parties and Events ==
== Reminders! ==
Last chance for Season 2! Marathon tomorrow!Saturday 8am CST / 2pm GMT
= March 2 - Captain's Orders =
Tomorrow is #CaptainsOrders! Our Captain Rhys Darby has said more than once that getting out into nature is so incredibly important and healing. Weather permitting, try to get outside tomorrow even for a little bit and get some fresh air!Src: @rebels_rascal / Graphic by @SharpenYourSword on Twitter
== #WereWolvesWhen ==
With all the buzz going around regarding "We're Wolves" being scripted finally (from the Wellington Paranormal Podcast). Our Vianton Crew have asked fellow Rhys Darby fans to start spreading the word on "We're Wolves". Wanna help? You can hop onto your favorite social media and share your favorite parts of WWDITS or werewolves in general!
Please use the following hashtag #WereWolvesWhen!
== Save OFMD Crew Updates==
=Transparency Policy=
Clarification edits have been made to the Financial Transparency Policy. The next full review period will start on May 22ndTransparency Policy
= Immoderate Citrus! =
For National Sunkist Citrus Day, the SaveOFMDCrew wants you to send them all your citrus-related favorite! Reach out on any of their socials: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Tumblr
= Billboard has been Scheduled! =
The #BeABillboard campaign to SaveOFMD will go live in London's Leicester Square on 11th, 12th, 18th, and 19th of March. Are you in London? Feel free to go check it out!
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Today @AdoptOurCrew hosted a These Thems watch party! There was a whole lot of engagement and they were kind enough to share some BTS bits that Vico shared with them! Check them out over on Instagram!
I've posted the images here as well for those of you who don't have access. All photos and posts regarding #TheseThems are courtesy of @adoptourcrew!
= #OurFlagTurns2 Bingo =
Did you know that our friends over at @adoptourcrew are running a Bingo game in celebration of OurFlagMeansDeath turning 2 on Sunday? Give it a whirl if you'd like! Feel free to hop on over to them on Twitter or Instagram and let them know how it's going!
== Fan Spotlight! ==
More cards from @melvisik! Thank you for letting us collect them all! Today is Con O'Neill!
== Dgdd Gwyl Dewi Hapus! (Happy St David's Day!) ==
Happy St David's Day all! Several fans are honoring our lovely David Jenkins on this Welsh holiday! Thank you @wastingyourgum for the dedication and the translation!
== Articles ==
== Love Notes ==
Hey my darlings. As you can tell, today has been a very VERY long day. There is just SO MUCH going on. I don't know about you but it feels like something's building. Maybe it's just til OFMD's 2rd anniversary on Sunday the 3rd, idk, but i've got a good feeling.
Either way though, whatever that hype is, it's so nice to see everyone having fun and engaging so much. You are all so wonderful and deserve to smile and enjoy yourselves.
You are allowed to be loud and excited about things! In fact, please be! It makes us all excited too, and I love "seeing" you smile and in your element.
I'm off to bed, but I'll leave you with @thelatestkate's latest picture that's so very true. You deserve to be considered. You Count. Love you all.