02/17/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Rhys Darby; Vico Ortiz; Samson Kayo; Movies With Marty; German S2 Launch: How to Help; SaveOFMD Crew Amazon Flowers; AdoptOurCrew Saturday Sillies; Articles; Love Notes; 

= Cast & Crew Sightings =

= Rhys Darby =

New Cameo!

@julibenderette on twitter was kind enough to get a cameo asking about The Curse Of Seafearing Life! We finally get to hear what he thinks about the Cursed Red Coat! On Cameo

Rhys Darby Playing Red Dead 2!

Wanna see him doing more sound effects and playing Red Dead? Even Theo pops in to help his dad briefly! Check it out on:  Youtube "Hells Bells!"

= Vico Ortiz = 

Vico's been real active these last few days! For all you Vico Stan's out there check out their latest IG!

= Samson Kayo =

We had a quick Samson Kayo sighting on The Vince Staples Show! So good to see that smile <3 Samson's Instagram

== Movies With Marty ==

As usual, our friend Marty over at @movieswithmarty is being so incredibly supportive of the #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD cause! Thanks for being such an awesome member of the crew Marty! Head on over to twitter to check out his shout out!

Ever seen MoviesWithMarty? If you want to check it out he's done a lot of OFMD vids in the past, check him out here.

== German S2 Launch ==

OFMD S2 will be launching in Germany on March 3rd! There's a post on the @saveofmdcrewmates tumblr that you can share to help spreads awareness and how our friends in Germany can help! Please share it around if you get a chance. Tumblr / Twitter

= Don't live in Germany but still want to help? =

Here's some instructions on how to access and navigate German Review Sites! Thank you @quirkysubject!

= SaveOFMDCrew Amazon Flowers! =

Final day of #WooAsACrew and @saveofmdcrewmates sent the Amazon execs some flowers this time! 
Thank you to our Amazon donors @schemingferret, @lcwebsxoxo on Twitter, and an anonymous donor!

= Saturday Sillies with @AdoptOurCrew =

Our friends over at @adoptourcrew did another fun Saturday event! This time it was Spot The Difference! Check them out below. answers at the end! Twitter Thread

Answers to #SaturdaySillies!

== Articles ==

== Love Notes ==

Happy Saturday (and early Sunday) lovelies! I hope you all got some rest and got to do something fun today. I know I usually write up some stuff but I'm a bit written out for today. Please accept these love notes from IG instead. I hope you all get rest and love this weekend <3 Love you crew.