09/02/2024 - 09/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad; Leslie Jones; Lindsey Cantrell; Connor Barrett; Dominic Burgess; Sept 2: OFMD Marmalade Day; Trends; Articles; TellTaleTV Final Round; WWDITS 10th Anniversary Blurays; FanSpotlight: FanWeeks: OFMD Sequel Week; Stede Whump Week; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;

== David Jenkins ==

David's out at the US Open with Kinga!

== Rhys Darby ==

Rhys is EVERYWHERE this week, jeez. He really is causing a stir on every single platform, let me tell you. Below he's having a bit of a drink with some friends, out and about with Rosie!

Next up-- there's a new Indy Dramedy that just wrapped called "Song Of The Bigfoot" and Deadline has some new info on it!

Rhys is also looking to help raise some funds for the Kitten Rescue we all remember well from earlier this year! You can bid on this signed OFMD picture of the cast! To bid, visit here. 

Rhys also shared an older video of him discussing wanting to be  Earths Ambassador!

Annnnnd more shots are becoming available from the 100th episode of the Cryptid Factor, Live in London!

And finally, Last But CERTAINLY not least, there's a new The Cryptid Factor special episode for the $10 / Tier on Patreon!

== Taika Waititi ==

Some more shots of Taika while he was out and about! Also a recipe for the Pispili that he and Andy Hearnden shared on instagram a while back!

Source: Instagram

and lastly a quick little tiktok of the Forever Young Rita & Taika!

== Samba Schutte ==

Samba's out at Nickelodeon studios doing some voice over work!

== Kristian Nairn / WJW ==

Surprise #WeeJohnWednesday! 9pm BST (4pm EST, 1pm PST) tomorrow-- Sept 4!
A huge thank you to @adoptourcrew for getting us the Kristian Nairn OFMD blurb from the latest Popverse Article (it is behind a sign up, but here's the article!)

Before we move on from Our Flag Means Death; what do you think it would take to get a third season? It's down to the fans, I think. And they're doing exactly the right thing. Every time I go to a convention or an online thing, it just seems to be still growing. People are still showing the show to other people. It's getting bigger and bigger. I'm always 100% careful not to give any false hope, because I really don't have any. That's the truth; I don't have any information. As a totally off-record thing, while being on record, (that's the most Irish thing l've ever said, I could see it happening. I would pack my case tomorrow and then be back to Auckland. You know, I initially didn't enjoy my time in Aukland. I felt very isolated because it was so far away from home, but like by three weeks, I had fallen in love with Auckland and I would go back tomorrow. New Zealand is just, yeah, you need to visit if you haven't been. It's a wonderful place.

== Con O'Neill ==

Con taking a nap with Cooper now that he's back from Mexico <3 (and David Fane was a sweetheart and popped his head in as well).

== Nathan Foad ==

Nathan back at the bedroom selfies again!

== Linds Cantrell ==

Linds Cantrell did an Ask Me Anything on Instagram today while she was waiting for a plane! She answered several questions, including something regarding OFMD BTS which may be completely out, but she'll be going to LA Comic Con in October! I'm planning on making a post with all her answers when I get a moment, but here's a few!

== Leslie Jones ==

Leslie is out here rocking a workout, and looking bad ass <3

== Connor Barrett and Brian Mattas ==

Connor (Hornberry!) is out with his husband Brian Mattas (Siegfried from 'The Best Revenge Is Dressing Well')! Brian's ceramics were featured out in Mill Valley in LA!  Wanna check out his work? Visit BuiltByGattas.

== Dominic Burgess ==

Our dear Jeffrey Fettering, Dominic, blessed us today with some kitties as well as a shot.. of well him getting a shot! 

== September 2, Marmalade Day ==

Several of our crew members continued the September festivities with Marmalade Day on Sept 2! 

Source: HSavernake's Twitter

== Articles ==

Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing another article talking about OFMD!

== More Trends ==

Heyyy guess who was trending on Sept 2 on TUMBLR! (I believe it was because of the Sept 1 Dickfuck/Lighthouse day, but could be have been more! let me know if you know something else happened! Thank you to the badass @poison-into-positivity for catching it <3

== Tell Tale TV Voting Reminders ==

Reminder! Stede and Ed are in the final round of Ship of the Year! Please visit TellTale TV! Thank you @ofmd-ann for the reminder dear! https://telltaletv.com/2024/09/vote-for-your-favorite-tv-couples-tell-tale-tvs-battle-of-the-ships-2024-final-round/

== What We Do In The Shadows Bluray ==

Okay so WWDITS is not OFMD but it has Rhys and Taika so gonna send a boost out of this! Thank you to the absolutely spectacular @ jimjim531969 over on twitter for always bringing the latest cool news regarding the cast. You truly are a gem <3

Also per Jim: 

Links to pre-order the WWDITS 10th anniversary blu-ray: 

== Fan Spotlight ==

= Upcoming Fan Weeks =

* OFMD Sequel Week * 

There's a new Fan-Week been announced for Nov 17 - 23, OFMD Sequel Week! Check them out on Twitter and give them a follow to keep up with the latest news!

* Stede Whump Week * 

Stede Whump Week will be happening 28 Oct - 3rd Nov, and the bingo cards for that week are now available on Twitter!

= Never Left Podcast =

There's a new episode of Never Left out, and it's Part 2 of the discussion on Birds! Wanna check it out? Visit their linktr.ee!

Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram

== Love Notes ==

Hey lovelies. Hoping your week is progressing in an upward direction. I hopefully get to finally talk to my dad tomorrow after over a week of everything going on, so I'll be in and out of things again. 

I know everyone is dealing with their own level of craziness right now, and I want to remind you that you're doing great no matter what you're dealing with. It could be little, it could be huge, it could be life-changing, or could be making you regress further back than you'd like-- whatever it is, you are getting through the best way you can, and you never have to feel bad about that. 

I know it can feel like there's never an end to the chaos-- but remember that there are pockets of joy and love there in this life too, and however you need to cope with your daily struggles, don't feel bad in taking solace in that. Enjoy the little things, no matter how small. 

Rest up lovelies, breathe in, breathe out, drink some water, and keep going.  Below is a very appropriate love note (for me personally but for so many others as well), courtesy of the amazing The Latest Kate. Not everything is clear right now, but it'll get there, just stay with us, and don't give up. Sending you so much love, crew <3

Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr