TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Anapela Polataiva; TellTaleAwards Round 2; AdoptOurCrew; June 3rd An Excellent Day: Trends; WeAreAllTaikaNow; RoboJenks; Other Fandoms; Menacing Memes; Articles about #DontStreamOnMax; NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week; FanSpotlight; Love Notes;
== Rhys Darby ==
Throwback picture from The Cryptid Factor with Rhys and Buttons!
Source: The Cryptid Factor Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Quick crumbs of Taika on Rita's Instagram from her latest show!
Source: Rita Ora's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's rom-com Advanced Chemistry is premiering on June 26, 2024, 9:15 PM at TLC Chinese 6 Theatres Los Angelos CA! Get tickets here.
Source: Samba's Instagram
== Anapela Polataivao ==
Our fabulous Auntie has been appointed Officer of the NZ Order of Merit (ONZM) in this years King's Birthday Honours List! This is a prestigous position awarded for contributions to the Pacific performing arts! Congrats Anapela!
Source: The Coconet TV Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan is feeling pretty saucy about another Billionaire planning to visit the Titanic Wreckage.
Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram
== Round 2 of TellTale Awards ==
The awards are open from June 3 - June 9! OurFlagMeansDeath, Rhys and Ruibo both made the next round! So did Deadloch and Deadboy Detectives, please be sure to get your votes in each day!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew want to hold WBD Accountable! Check out their statement on their tumblr, or here!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Instagram
== June 3: An Excellent Day ==
Where the hell do I even start? Wow crew! Today was impressive! #DontStreamOnMax was trending on twitter, so was #SaveOFMD, there was so much polite menacing and massive aggression going around, it was wonderful to see.
= Trends =
The absolute darling @ twindy5 was kind enough to send me some trends just before posting this so we could see some of the latest numbers.
Source: NeverLeftPodcast's Twitter
= We Are All Taika Now =
So one thing you don't want to miss is that apparently certain folks on twitter think that everyone fighting for Our Flag Means Death on Twitter is a Taika bot. So rejoice! If you wanted to be Taika Waititi, now you can be!
Source: @ pirateidiot's twitter
And everyone rolled with it!
Source: DagaNaranjade's Twitter
= RoboJenks =
Okay so there was some speculation because an account named "David Jenkins" started getting into the fun with everyone today (but not Chaos Dad's account). Many folks thought it was a bot that maybe somehow got attached to our trends, but I read back to when the account was created back in January and they've been around a bit.
They've hopped on the bandwagon against WB for quite some time (for CoyoteVsAcme, etc) so it's still possible they're a bot, but hard to tell for sure.
What did cause some excitement was Chaos Dad then blocked them.
Source: @meowzawowza_ on Twitter
= Other Fandoms =
One of the other exciting things that happened today was just how many other fandoms outside of OFMD Twitter decided to jump on the bandwagon for #DontStreamOnMax. Even the SnyderVerse folks got into it!
Sources: @xxprincess1x's Twitter / @ love4ofmd's twitter
= Articles Covering the Polite Menacing! =
Source: Q+Magazine Twitter
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
- ‘Don’t Stream On Max’ explained: Why people are boycotting the streaming platform
- Is Warner Bros. Discovery Inc (WBD) worth investing in despite its overvalued state?
== NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week ==
The lovely folks over at @neurofmdivergentprideweek were kind enough to allow me to share some info for the upcoming Week!
"What is NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week?
NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week is a week-long Our Flag Means Death fan event for creating & sharing fanworks focused on neurodivergent experiences. There are prompts for each day, but any content relating to OFMD and neurodivergence is welcome."
Wanna learn more? Please visit them here on tumblr!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's Cast Cards are Lily Riley, "head guard" of The Red Flag, she had the distinct honour of being knocked out with chamomile! and also one of our lovely writers-- Natalie Torres!
Source: @melvisik's Twitter!
= Pride Month =
Gonna try to keep up some spotlights from the fans with Pride month! Tonight's spotlight is the absolutely stellar @blackbeardskneebrace with some adorable Peanuts style of our favourite pirates!
Peanuts T4T Ed/Stede / Peanuts Polycule
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Today we are all Taika. You're Taika-- I'm Taika, all of us are Taika! And you know what Taika does?
He gets some sleep, and he eats good food and drinks plenty of water!
You know what else he does? Laugh, and cry, and joke, and enjoy life!
And even further-- he is kind and he is thoughtful, and he is proud of the work he does, and so you should be too!
Goodnight Taikas, I hope you sleep well and wake up refreshed tomorrow.
So proud of you <3