01/28/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Hoist The Ads Charity Donations; Campaign Status Updates; Hunt For the Pirate Home Watch Party; General Morale; Past Renewal Campaign Comparisons; Cast & Crew Sightings; Upcoming Events: Pets for Pirates Jan 29; Love Notes; 

== Hoist The Ads Updates ==

Looks like the voting is done, and the results are in! @gingerlyvibing was kind enough to break down how much is going where.

Just a reminder-- you all made this happen! Everything over the $10K it cost to get the billboard is going to help out these awesome charities!

Links to threads: Tumblr / Twitter 

Funnily enough, apparently one of the trucks still has the ads on it

== How To Help ==

== Status Updates ==

Good news! Wb is still having trouble recovering, as it should. Thanks @btweenhisteeth on twitter 

==Petition Status==Over 82K -- going slow, but still ticking up! Takes time all, especially since we're focused on the networks right now. Don't give up!

== Hunt For The Pirate Home Watch Party ==

Had some great turn out all over the world today for the Hunt For the Wilder People watch party. Thank you again to @dandeebakes on twitter for getting those coordinated! 

Saw some great trends during it, and a lot of people having fun. If you haven't actually seen the movie, I highly recommend it, it's incredibly good!

==General Morale==

So despite things being fairly quiet today, the general vibe from folks has been that we're just in a holding pattern and we're just gonna keep clowning and polite menacing until we hear more word. 

== Other Cancelled Series Comparisons ==

Something cool that I saw more of today was several groups doing comparisons with other cancelled TV Shows. Thank you to @OFMDCrew for these stats on twitter. 

After they were posted, I did hear conflicting feelings on these (some felt it helped raise their mood, some felt it made it worse). So I wanted to point out a few things:

1. We've done a hell of a lot in 3 weeks (and signatures were our priority for most of the first two weeks, but once David Jenkins lit the beacon 8 days ago, we changed our focus).

2. We had a leadership change mid-all of this with Renew As A Crew.

3. Oh and there's other stuff in the world going on (Palestine)

4. As @saltpepperbeard says in their post "David only posted his "call to arms" just a little over a week ago. Eight days ago." So much has changed and we've STILL accomplished so much in that time too.

We are kicking ass, we really are, I promise you!

Across Twitter / IG / and Tumblr, several people have mentioned they feel like something's "in the air". That's totally a second hand "I have a feeling" thing but as you probably remember, quite a few of us had that as a bad feeling the morning before the show got cancelled.

Now, if you're not into that kinda thing-- I would like to mention, that could just be because this crew is so fucking awesome, and that's why the vibe is so good-- because we're leaning on each other and take care of each other.

Also when lovely people like @saltpepperbeard (as referenced above) write lovely responses to asks that can always help too. This post made ME feel better, I recommend giving it a read for a little perspective :) 

== Cast & Crew Sightings ==

1. The weekend is still pretty scarce as usual. Our pirate queen Ruibo Qian has been enjoying a lot of everyone's artwork lately.
2. Nathan Foad announced his con dates
3. Renewal Campaign Related: mostly seeing updates again from our boi Erroll Shand supporting the campaign. 

== Pets For Pirates ==

Tomorrow, Jan 29, there will be a Pets for Pirates Even! Share your Pet pictures and use the hashtags:

  • #PetsForPirates
  • #AdoptOurCrew
  • #SaveOFMD

==Love Notes==

I know, I know

"Jeez Abby, Shut Up We Already About How Awesome We Are"

Well good! Cause you should!

But that won't stop me from saying so again!

I'm serious when I say the vibe is so good right now in general because we have such a great crew. You all take such good care of each other and it shows every single day.

You helped raise an extra $11,578 that are now going to charities that are going to help so many families, and kids, and that's just from the extra stuff from the Hoist The Ads Campaign -- not including everything else going on.

I'm going to include a picture from one of my favorite people @thelatestkate because she does awesome work, and this one applies significantly to all of you. <3