01/31/2024 Daily Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Watch Parties; OurFlagMeansDeadloch; LubeAsACrew; Stats; UK News; Upcoming Events; Other News; Favor To Ask; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast and Crew Sightings ==
Probably the cutest sighting would be Con O'Neill's dog Cooper
== Watch Parties ==
Today was Day 2, episodes 3 and 4 of Deadloch!
I realised I totally forgot to crew reactions up for Deadloch yesterday! Sorry all! Here's some from todays watch!
On to episodes 5/6 tomorrow! Same time same place!
== LubeAsACrew ==
The second Lube as a crew was widely successful! Trending at #7! Thanks for catching it @_irene_adler!
Everybody had a lot of fun with it, here's some highlights!
Our lovely friend over at @Astroglide left some fantastic tweets for us, I'm including a few that stood out.
== Stats ==
Some interesting stats today! Thank you @meowzawowza_ on twitter for these details!
More stats by @lucyrosebutler regarding How well OFMD is doing in the US!
== UK News ==
Reminder! 5 days until S2 airs in the UK!
Thanks as always to our lovely @lamentus1 for the update in the UK!
"I tweeted at 13 lucky TV Guide journalists in the UK all about Our Flag Means Death and the efforts of the fandom and also why the show is so great. I have a document with their twitters and email addresses. Email will be my next line of attack! If anyone wants access to the UK TV Guide press list let me know! We were thinking that we should introduce a spoiler free way for people who are starting to watch season 2 on the BBC to interact with the campaign on Twitter. I think it might be to encourage them to follow #OurFlagBBC while encouraging anyone posting spoilers under that hashtag to add #ofmd2spoilers so that people can avoid seeing spoilers. One other thing that’s coming up later in February is that Chxrlotte on our UK crew will be releasing an Our Flag Means Death inspired track on her label on 24 February! She has a ton of gorgeous tracks that are often inspired by shows like OFMD and Good Omens, and the new one is about Ed and Stede. I’ve had a preview of the new track and it’ll make you cry! @shutupchxrlotte's Twitter Her other stuff is on Apple Music and Spotify here"
Please have a listen!
== Upcoming Events ==
Reminder! Feb 4th is National Homemade Soup Day! More deets! Be sure to share your soup/stew pics with these hashtags:
- #StewAsACrew
- #SaveOFMD
- #AdoptOurCrew
Not a soup bitch but still want to help?
You can politely menace: @CambellSoupCo and @CampbellsChunky with our petition hashtags!
==New Watch Party!==
Muppet Treasure Island - Feb 7th 2024
Watch Party Hashtags:
- #MuppetPirates
- #AdoptOurCrew
- #SaveOFMD
== Other News ==
Warner bros stock is still dropping! Sure looks like cancelling OFMD wasn't a very lucrative plan. Thanks @iamadequate_ for this!
Max still has billboards up for OFMD in Hollywood! Thanks @LeanneBrodie13 for catching this!
Also, @_irene_adler caught some audacity from Max in trying to monetize OFMD merch for Valentine's Day.
== Favor to Ask ==
I've been working on a bit of a side project of putting together an OFMD Renewal Repository for resources that doesn't require anyone to log into ... twitter, IG, tumblr, facebook, etc. It's still WIP but I'd love some constructive feedback if anyone would be willing to take a look and let me know what they think. I won't be replacing the tumblr recaps with it, but will be posting them there minus the gifs at the end so they can be shared to other platforms if needed.
My specific questions are:
- Are there more categories / different information you'd like to have added?
- Is it generally easy to find information?
- Is this a bad idea? (too many places with this stuff already?)
- Other feedback welcome!
I am totally cool with constructive feedback, feel free to dm me :)
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Do you ever worry you're too much? Like you talk too much, or feel too much, or come off too strong? I know I do some days.
Just remember, on days you're feeling too much, you're probably shining your brightest. What other people think is too much is just you, and you're allowed to shine! Don't ever let their inability to see your worth stop you. Saw this on IG today and thought of you call. Gnight crew, all the love <3