02/10/2024 - 02/17/2024: #WooAsACrew Valentine's Event

Calendar for Feb 10–17: WooAsACrew, A Valentines Event   Sat 10: Romantic movies & shows! Name some of your favourite romances on Apple TV, Prime Video & Netflix!  Sun 11: Write something for Apple TV! Woo them with cards, e-cards, poems, songs, letters, anything you can think of!   Mon 12: Write something for Prime Video! See previous.   Tue 13: Write something for Netflix! See previous. Plus, join @WGA_fandomLove for a meet-up in Burbank (see link for details)!   Wed 14: It's the big day, so let's get creative! Whether it be cake, flowers, drawings, crochet... We want to see some sweet treats!   Thur 15: Plan dates for O.F.M.D. characters! The more absurdly romantic the better! Streamers want to see creativity.   Fri 16: HoistThePetition, with a twist! @/lcwebsxoxo with your favorite O.F.M.D. kiss for a chance to win a sticker pack (proof of signature required)!   Sat 17: Take a break for self love! After a long week of wooing as a crew, how do you plan to treat yourself?   Jeff says: Remember to use #WooAsACrew, #SaveOFMD, #AdoptOurCrew


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Calendar for Feb 10–17: WooAsACrew, A Valentines Event 

Sat 10: Romantic movies & shows! Name some of your favourite romances on Apple TV, Prime Video & Netflix!

Sun 11: Write something for Apple TV! Woo them with cards, e-cards, poems, songs, letters, anything you can think of! 

Mon 12: Write something for Prime Video! See previous. 

Tue 13: Write something for Netflix! See previous. Plus, join @WGA_fandomLove for a meet-up in Burbank (see link for details)! 

Wed 14: It's the big day, so let's get creative! Whether it be cake, flowers, drawings, crochet... We want to see some sweet treats! 

Thur 15: Plan dates for O.F.M.D. characters! The more absurdly romantic the better! Streamers want to see creativity. 

Fri 16: HoistThePetition, with a twist! @/lcwebsxoxo with your favorite O.F.M.D. kiss for a chance to win a sticker pack (proof of signature required)! 

Sat 17: Take a break for self love! After a long week of wooing as a crew, how do you plan to treat yourself? 

Jeff says: Remember to use #WooAsACrew, #SaveOFMD, #AdoptOurCrew