05/08/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Taika; Samba; Vico; Polite Menacing Max; AdoptOurCrew; Trans History Week; Crew Spotlight; WP Reminders; Love Notes;

== Taika Waititi == 

More Taika from the other night. The top one is my favorite picture so far.

Source: MylesHendrik Instagram

== Samba BTS Drop ==

Our darling Samba dropped more BTS for us today. Supposedly "Last bts scene drop" although who knows. 

= Vico Ortiz =

Vico will be staring in a new animated series called "Atlantic Rocks" with a pile of other famous voice actors <3

== Menacing Max ==


As many of you know, WBD will release their Q1 earnings report. At 8AM ET, they will hold a conference call. We need to make a lot of noise..."

Our dear crewmate @sonnetforbonnet was kind enough to put together a big twitter thread on how we could maybe make a difference in polite menacing Max tomorrow during the Q1 earnings report at Max. 

"From tomorrow on May 9th at 8AM ET, to May 16th at 8AM ET, let's relentlessly call Max at (855) 442-6629. If necessary, add 001 or +1 for the area code.

  • 8AM ET
  • 12PM GMT
  • 5AM PT
  • 12AM NZST (May 10th)

What are we calling about?

Instead of trying to bring back the show, we're trying to speed up the changes in the streaming landscape that need to happen in order for OFMD to return. Namely, we need to put pressure on WBD for their poor business practices."If you have twitter, please visit their thread here.

If you don't, I've copied it over with permission to the Repo which you can access here.

== Cause & FX ==

In case you're interested in seeing a cool study done by Cause & FX in regards to OFMD and how they helped make the last couple episodes of OFMD work-- it shows the difference between after effects and what was actually filmed. It's actually pretty cool to watch if you're interested. FYI: CW: Izzy S2 Death. Visit Cause & FX

Source: Cause & FX

== Trans History Week ==

This week is Trans+ History week! Lots of different places are putting out great content regarding Trans+ history and boosting Trans+ stories! One place to start is this Gay Times article!

Source: Gay Times IG

= Adopt Our Crew =

Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew seem to have something brewing!

== Watch Party Reminders ==

Palm Royale WP May 9 via @LCWebsXOXO with the lovely @ dominicburgess approx. 4pm EDT/9pm BST/1pm PST! Available on Apple TV

Wrecked S2 WP May 6-May 10 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30pm BST! If you need access feel free to dm me here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.

== Fan Spotlight ==

= Cast Cards =

We have another Dutch crewmember spotlighted thanks to @melvisik! This time it's Noah James Butler!

= OFMD Colouring Pages =

Our darling @patchworkpiratebear really did a gorgous colouring page today! 

== MerMay ==

= Blueberreads = 

More Pixel Art from our clever @blueberreads! Today's prompt: Jeff's Inn by the Sea!

@snejpowa =

@snejpowa has been very busy with today's prompt! Jeff's Inn By The Sea! Snejpowa's Blog

A new addition to our fan spotlight this evening is our esteemed @stjernegaupe! You may remember her from back in January when she was kind enough to design some art/qr codes for the Renewal Petition! She's participating in the #SaveOFMD Mermay as well! Please check out her Day 1-4 Prompts below and visit her Tumblr / Instagram

= erostheartist =

Continuing with more prompts for mermay is the stunning @erostheartist! The Mermay Prompts: Lighthouse / Soup

== Articles ==

== Love Notes ==

Hey lovelies! Today sure was a roller coaster ride! We got some amazing BTS from Samba-- but much like so many good things, they come with a side of not so great news. Samba has said this is the "last bts" he'll be posting-- so I wanted to talk a little bit about that tonight.

As a lot of folks have mentioned, it's very possible there is still plenty of BTS out there, but due to creative rights, Samba may not be able to release anymore. That doesn't necessarily mean we won't get anymore, it just may not be right away, and certainly not until rights change hands.

I know it's a bit scary, Samba's BTS has been keeping us all fueled with dopamine and laughter for weeks upon weeks now. He's been there in some of our darker days and helped us really stay on target. You're allowed to be sad about losing that. You're allowed to grieve that loss. Some folks have mentioned it's like another death of OFMD-- which that feeling is totally valid lovelies-- but I'd like to think of it not as much as another death, but the memory of what was. 

Each one of these BTS -- to me, has been like attending a wake of a loved one. We all see different pieces of a person in their life, and so many of us only see one side to a loved ones story. These BTS have been Samba and the rest of the Crew's stories, celebrating OFMD for all the wonderful things it became. These are gifts lovelies. Getting to know more of these actors, this crew, the love and laughter behind the scenes, they're an absolute gift, as much as losing them may hurt us. 

Grieve lovelies, grieve again as you grieved the first time we heard-- but try not to lose hope. WBD isn't doing well, as we know, the rights to OFMD could be sold any day-- and when conditions are right, we may still get to see more of our show. We may still get to see more BTS, we may still get to see more stories of the thing and the characters we love so deeply. 

We have been given so many gifts-- and we continue to get them from the love and support of the cast and crew. This is not the end.

We haven't lost them. They're still here. They're still with us. Their impact is still as vast and prominent as it ever was. They still made us feel the way we did, and no one can take that away from us. Don't lose hope, so many things can happen with time.