TLDR; Cast & Crew; Samba Schutte; Megan Vertelle; Save OFMD 3rd Tier Survey; In Soup Now; Stun Move Sunday; AdoptOurCrew; Rhys Madness Party; Request Uproar!; Pirate Radio/BoatThatRocks; Fan Spotlight; A to Z Ed Teach Zine; Cast Cards; Love Notes;
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Samba Schutte BTS =
Samba definitely delivered with the BTS today! Today was shout out to the set design folks regarding The Floating Market!Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
- The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 1
- The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 2
- The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 3
- The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 4
- The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 5
- The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 6
= Megan Vertelle =
Brilliant Set Designer Megan Vertelle added some more bts for us in regards to the floating market today!
Source: Megan Vertelle Instagram Stories
- The Floating Market BTS - More Stills
- The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 7
- The Floating Market BTS - Video Bonus
== Save OFMD Crew - Survey ==
Please vote on the final stretch goal of the London Ad Campaign! It closes Monday 4 pm GMT / 12pm EST / 9am PSTLink to the Survey
= StunMoveSunday =
Time for another #StunMoveSunday! Join SaveOFMDCrew on Instagram!
= In Soup Now =
Up to $1640 on the InSoupNow Fundraiser In Aid of Team HAVEN!

For an extra bit of fun:
== EVENTS ==
= Adopt Our Crew: Rhys Madness Party =
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcreware hosting a celebratory even for Rhys' birthday week! More details tomorrow!
SRC: AdoptOurCrew Twitter
== Request Uproar at your Local Theatre! ==
Today we heard back from @BlueFoxEntertainment and they have been kind enough to give us some instructions on how to request Uproar at our local theatres! Please go to: Blue Fox Entertainment and follow the instructions below!
== Watch Parties ==
Mar 17th: The Boat That Rocked AKA Pirate Radio Watch Party
7:30 pm GMT / 3:30 pm EST / 1:30 pm CST
Watch Party Hashtags:
- PirateRadio
- AdoptOurCrew
- SaveOFMD
- OurFlagMeansWatchAlong
Mar 18 - Mar 22: Wrecked Season 3
- Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd.
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
- #WreckedPirates
- #SaveOFMD
- #RhysDarbyFaction
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Ed Teach A to Z Charity Zine ==
I've been meaning to post this for a week or so and I kept forgetting! So please please please check out the #AtoZofEdTeachZine! You can still get it! Visit the following link. Just donate to an LGBTQ+ charity, $10-15 depending on which version you'd like and they'll email you the zine! Great cause with AMAZING ARTISTS AND WRITERS! Please please check it out! Thank you @xray-vex!
= Cast Cards =
Another wonderful card for the most forgiving chief, Gary Farmer! Check him out in Reservation Dogs! Awesome show! Thank you as always to @melvisik for keeping the case collection coming!
== Dedication to Matthew ==
For MatthewOne of our dear crewmates, Stephanie, lost her son back in 2022. They both watched S1 together, and tragically he passed away not long after. Stephanie has been an active member of our crew for years now, and she reached out to Rhys and he made a lovely Cameo for her.
Some of you may have already seen it as she's been kind enough to share it with us previously, but after talking with Stephanie and hearing about who Matthew was, I wanted to put together a small dedication to him, and share Stephanie's words with you with her permission. Please visit this post here on tumblr for the whole story or here on the Repo for those of you not on tumblr.
== Love Notes ==
Happy Saturday Lovelies! It's already Sunday for all the folks over on the other side of the Earth, and the weeks starting up again.
Today's been a bit of a long day, and I've been bad about not getting enough sleep lately so I'm gonna leave a couple notes from other folks. I hope you have a lovely evening or morning and know that you are incredibly loved as your imperfect unhinged self. Love you all <3 Night.