02/26/2025 - 02/28/2025 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Vico Ortiz; Kristian Nairn; Nat Torres; Minnie Driver; Dominic Burgess; Fan Spotlight; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; OFMD Craft Fair; Love Notes;

= David Jenkins =

David sending more love to our crewmates.

Source: David's Bsky

= Rhys Darby =

Rhys was recently in Austin and Raleigh for his stand up shows! He's posted more BTS and Darby Files on his Substack! 

The Lost Tiger came out in Australians Cinemas on Feb 27!

Source: Rhys's IG

= Vico Ortiz = 

Our dear Jim has posted more BTS to their paid patreon!

More episodes of Today In Gay!

= Kristian Nairn = 

Kristian was out djing at the Warcraft 30 years World Tour!

= Nat Torres =

One of our wonderful staff writers, Nat Torres recently joined "The Queer Quadrant" podcast! Check the podcast out below:
Apple: t.ly/E8S3U
Spotify: t.ly/2JO4y

= Minnie Driver =

New Podcast episode with Minnie and Cord Jefferson! Spotify

Source: Minnie's IG

= Dominic Burgess =

Dominic will be attending the Rebel Scum Con in Austin Tx in August! Gonna be around? Visit www.rebelscumconventions.com

== Adopt Our Crew  / Articles ==

Our dear crewmates over at @adoptourcrew shared some interesting facts about anniversaries 👀 for OFMD's 3 year anniversary on March 3!

Source: Adopt Our Crew Bsky

They were also kind enough to share another article featuring OFMD!

== Fan Spotlight ==

= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =

There's a new epitizer of Our Flag Mean Fanfiction! Check it out on their linktr.ee! 


Even though the Craft fair has ended by the time this is posted, I wanted to share the other contributions of the other cast and crew that happened before the end of the first one part of the auction! (For archival posterity, haha). 

== Love Notes ==

Hey lovelies, slowly getting the last of these caught up. I hope you all have such a wonderful Friday tomorrow, please stay safe out there. 

Source: Stay Close to Yourself IG