=== 02/11/2024 - Apple TV ===

Florist Shop: Rose Cart
= WooAsACrew - Apple TV Video =
- Video: twitter.com/Giulianaazr & twitter.com/ragsandmuffins
Let's get Our Flag Means Death the third season it deserves!
=== 02/12/2024 - Prime Video ===
Florist Shop: Sada's Flowers
= WooAsACrew - Prime Video =
Let's get Our Flag Means Death the third season it deserves!
=== 02/13/2024 - Netflix ===

Florist Shop: French Florist
= WooAsACrew - Netflix Video =
- Vocals: twitter.com/sgtblackbirdpie
- Video: twitter.com/Giulianaazr
- Thumbnail: twitter.com/snejpowa_art
Let's get Our Flag Means Death the third season it deserves!Sign the petition: change.org/p/save-our-flag-means-death
=== 02/14/2024 - FX ===

Florist Shop: French Florist
=== 02/15/2024 - Date Planning ===
=== 02/16/2024 - #HoistThePetition ===
=== 02/17/2024 - Self Love Saturday ===

For Love!!!
Vocals: @ferventrabbitao3 Video: @punchincorporated
Let's get Our Flag Means Death the third season it deserves!
Sign the petition: change.org/p/save-our-flag-means-death