01/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

01/30/2024 Recap

TLDR; RenewAsACrew Farewell; Notes on the Farewell; Cast & Crew Sightings; Rhys Darby; Kristian Nairn; Lindsay Cantrell BTS; Samba BTS; Upcoming Events; Watch Parties: #OurFlagMeansDeadloch; LubeAsACrew; StewAsACrew; #WhatWeDoInTheShadows; RelaxImFromTheFuture; Cast Appreciation Events: Damien Gerard; Samba Schutte; Articles; Videos; TV/Radio Times; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika

==RenewAsACrew Farewell==

Tumblr / Twitter / IG 

Alright lovelies, we're gonna have a little chat for a moment here. Please take a moment to read this part. 
I know a lot of you are feeling ansy and uncomfortable right now. It feels like something that we were hanging on to for a long time for support has suddenly fallen out from under us. That's a valid feeling. Feel it. It's good to feel it. We got this far with #RenewAsACrew, and it's scary to think that support isn't there anymore.
 I want to point out though, the most important part of that sentence, and that is "WE". #RenewAsACrew was a leadership team that steered us in a direction so that WE could hone our creativity, tenacity, love, support, and unhinged-ness towards our common goal, and you know what? 
This campaign is not just #RenewAsACrew it really is ALL OF YOU. Every single one of you has stepped up and done something to support this campaign, stepped out of your comfort zones, supported each other, and you have accomplished SO MUCH in so little time. We can appreciate #RenewAsACrew, and all they did to help steer us, but we can and we WILL keep going. 
I know a lot of you have already heard and have even joined the #SaveOFMDCrew that is now stepping up as our navigator. I joined their discord last night, and I have to say, their organisation, passion, communication, problem-solving, is all top notch. They listen to us, the crew, they help provide support, and I have every confidence that they're going to keep us headed in the right direction. 
So please remember, this is not an end. Take some time tonight, vent your frustrations and fears, and feel them, and then come back tomorrow knowing we're all still here.
 I'll say it again-- we are not losing ground, we are not losing speed, or momentum, we are pivoting. We are changing course so that we can keep doing what we do best, and that is kicking ass, supporting one another, and fighting for our show and for queer and diverse representation in media. 
We will get our joy back in some form or another, even if that form is just this amazing found family we've all stumbled into.  We got this. 
Now. Onto the fun stuff. 

==Cast & Crew Sightings==

So I just have to say.. it could be the whole end of the social media strike thing, or just new week new stuff, but the cast and crew SURE does seem to be a lot more active today. Take that as you will, but I'm using it to fuel the "good stuffs happening" vibe many of us have been feeling. They really are watching what we're doing if Lindsey's comments are any indication

=Rhys Darby with Another Picture Trying to Murder The Internet=

Rhys decided to grace us with a lovely story on his Tiktok with a quote from Dazed & Confused, "You just gotta keep livin man, L I V I N"

=Kristian Nairn updating us on Wee John Wednesdays=

Couple pieces of news, looks like Wee John Wednesdays will now be Mondays! Still staying tuned for more information. You can follow him on his Twitter if you have that platform to keep up to date. 

He also has a podcast and new track out on IG, here's a link to his podcast on mixcloud per @yronnia's request as well as Apple Podcasts

=Lindsey Cantrell with more BTS on Instagram!=

This woman is amazing. She SEES us trying and decided to give us a little treat, check out these IG Stories she posted.

= Samba Schutte also graced us with BTS! =

There were lots of videos too so please visit Samba's IG to see more

==Twitter Watch Parties!==

Holy hell there are a lot of watch parties going on. First day of #OurFlagMeansDeadloch went well! Please tune in tomorrow for Episodes 3 and 4!

Watch Party Hashtags:

  • #OurFlagMeansDeadloch
  • #SaveOFMD
  • #AdoptOurCrew

= Reminder! LubeAsACrew =

#LubeAsACrew is back on 1/31/24 at 4PM PT, 1PM ET. Next up are S1 Episodes 5, 6, 7.

== Stew As A Crew! / Rewatch Party==

February 4th is National Soup Day! Share soup pics, jokes, recipes, etc while rewatching Season 1 of OFMD! 

Watch Party Hashtags:

  • #StewAsACrew
  • #AdoptOurCrew
  • #SaveOFMD

== What We Do In The Shadows Watch Party! ==

Tuesday February 6th, 9PM GMT, 1 PM PST, 4PM EST

Watch Party Hashtags:

  • #VamPirates
  • #SaveOFMD
  • #AdoptOurCrew

== Relax I'm From the Future Watch Party! ==

Sunday February 11th, 1 PM PT. 4 PM ET, 9PM GMT

Watch Party Hashtags:

  • #PiratesFromTheFuture
  • #SaveOFMD
  • #AdoptOurCrew

== Appreciation Events ==

Day of Damien! A day to shower Damien Gerard (Father Teach) with support and kindness for all he's done for our fandom! He has been hitting #SaveOFMD events pretty hard trying to support us! 
When to start: Saturday February 3rd, 6 AM CST, 7 AM ET, 4 AM PT, 12 PM GMT 
Hashtags: #DayOfDamien

== Smiles for Samba ==

Samba's birthday is February 1!  Thank you to @shaney4prez for the info!

There's a thank you scrapbook they're putting together along with a gofundme for Los Angelos LGBT Center.  

== Status Updates! ==

Petition got over 83K!

=Our Flag Makes A Difference=

The new fundraiser is almost at 20% in less than 24 hrs!


== Radio Times / TV Times! ==

Uk Folks, OFMD is showing up in Radio Times and TV Times! 

Thanks @lamentus1 for the deets!:  "While the Radio Times might seem negative it’s been pointed out a few times that just having a write up is a big deal. It’s been picked as the one new thing on that day that should have a bit more written about it. Which is a big deal. He’d have been very limited by word count to, so we should cut him some slack for consolidating what he had to say. "


Thank you to @fruityedge05 for their post on this video by MsMojo! "MsMojo posted a video about OFMD, and started the video by saying "Today we're looking at the most chuckle-worthy scenes in this outlandish pirate comedy that was cruelly canceled before it's time." Please check out their post and the video below!

== Side Notes == 

I'm in the process of compiling as many resources as possible into a documentation repository I use. It'll take a couple days to catch up with them so I'll be a bit scarce while that's happening because it's a lot of information! Also, FYI: I am taking Saturday the 4th off -- it'll be my first day off in 5 years and I'm going to the hotsprings nearby with some friends, and that night we're going to drink and watch OFMD and GO! So there won't be a recap for Saturday from me at least (pending if I get sick again), you're all welcome obviously to put one up if you'd like!

== Love Notes ==

It's been a very long day lovelies. You did an amazing job. Just know whatever you did today, we are proud of you, and you could never disappoint us here on the crew. You're exceptional, and we see the ever wonderful you! Bonus: A little love note I found on IG I thought you might like:

== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==

This video edit courtesy of @vigschainsaw on @Tiktok