08/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Baby, Baby, Baby Day;  Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Lindsey Cantrell; Nathan Foad; Samson Kayo; Nominations; FanSpotlight: Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Citizen Dame; Love Notes

== Baby, Baby, Baby Day ==

For those of you not already aware, 08/30/2024 was the 1 year anniversary of this beautiful teaser for Season 2 and David had shared it on his twitter. 

You may recall, our friends over at @adoptourcrew requested that we flood social media on 08/30/2024 and send some love and try to get OFMD trending. 

= Trends =

The final result caught this morning by our friend @jodegg was 30.7K (and David shared it with love) 

There apparently was some help from some bots-- which who are we to complain! Thanks for catching MerakiRetreat (one of the coolest, sweetest folks btw). 

Apparently Twitter gave us a special trend name! (OFMD Baby Anniversary!) Thank you Ashley for catching this, this is priceless!

Source: Seven_Sugars Twitter 

Samba joined in on the festivities!

== Permanent Ink ==

Several crew mates also wanted to share their beautiful permanent ink, inspired by or from the show! Thank you so much to all our wonderful crewmates who were kind enough to allow me to share this beautiful artwork <3

Source: mans41469295's Twitter 

Source: Tiarne's Twitter

Source: Shaney's Twitter

Source: Pogo's Twitter 

Source: NDKiwi's Twitter 

Source: Ofmdframes Twitter

He also made a sweet note and mentioned the #'s.

One thing David DID want to mention though, since he mentioned the numbers were there, our crew mentioned Casey Bloys-- and he did have something to say. Take that as you will. (Sounds like we should focus the Schadenfreude on Zaslav)

Our friendly neighbourhood Honk Weather Control Center made a special Honk for the day!

I think that covers a good chunk of it. So many great things happened-- thanks to all who participated, it was phenomenal! Great job Crew!

= Taika Waititi =

Happy Anniversary to Eagle vs Shark! Taika's first feature film!

== Nathan Foad ===

One of Nathan's other works-- a short called Dope Fiend, has been selected for this years Official Selection at Aesthetica Short Film Festival <3

Another sneaky shot of Nathan this past week <3

= Samba Schutte =

Samba out with his folks <3

== Linds Cantrell ==

Linds, our amazing set designer, sharing teasers of some of her current works! 

== Samson Kayo ==

Lastly for the Cast & Crew tonight, I want to send so many heartfelt condolences to our dear Samson,  his father passed away recently. I questioned whether I should share this or not because it's so personal, but I thought it would be appropriate to ask that if you have a moment, please send Samson some love in this hard time.

== Nominations ==

So this is a couple days old, I apologize, our friends over at @adoptourcrew found some new nominations you can vote on for OFMD and Vico! (Yes it says Sci-Fi show-- which is a bit odd but hey whatever, not gonna complain it's getting recognition!)


Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter 

== Fan Spotlight ==

Running out of images for tonight so this'll be brief again, I'll try to catch up tomorrow with more fan spotlights!

= Our Flag Means Fanfiction = 

Our lovely crewmates over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction will be doing a new Gay Pirate News Hour covering the latest in OFMD Fandom News on their Youtube! No start dates yet, but keep an eye out!

= Citizen Dame =

Citizen Dame is covering "This Is Happening" this week! The OFMD coverage is just for Patreon subscribers, so if you're a subscriber head on over and check it out!

Source: Citizen Dame Patreon

== Love Notes ==

Hey there lovelies. I'm hoping that life is treating you kindly. It was so very nice to see everyone have such a great day on the 30th.  I know how hard it's been since the cancellation for so many folks, so it's beautiful to see so many people having so much fun-- and seeing David participate!
I wanted to suggest, if you haven't gotten a chance to-- this would be a great time to rewatch OFMD. I know a lot of folks have watched it a lot.. and others haven't had the heart to do so after the cancellation.
I can't tell you how cathartic watching it again has been. I've watched it over and over again.. and every time I get to experience the joy and wonder of this positively beautiful show we got to share. If you're not ready though, please don't feel bad. Grief takes a long time to cope with...and if you need support, lean on your crew. Everyone is experiencing grief differently, but we're all here together.
What we got was a stunning work of art, that if we don't get an s3 is imperfectly perfect in it's own way. It's what brought so many of us together. It inspired so much wonderful art, fic, gifs, friendships, meta, kindness, confidence, and love. It boosted some of our lovely cast & crew, and gave us a place to grow together. If we DO get an s3 one day, it'll be yet another chapter to this exquisite book of queer joy. 

I hope you're getting some rest lovelies, be kind to yourself today if you can <3 

Source: BlurtItOutOrg Instagram

Source: TheVioletEclectic Instagram