TLDR; Guz Khan; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Rachel House; Happy Belated Non-Binary Parents Day!; Lesbian Visibility Week!; New Event's Calendar; Watch Parties; Fibre Arts Division; Uproar; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Slay; OFMD Colouring Pages; Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast; Love Notes;
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Guz Khan =
Guz Khan's landed in L.A.! If you're in the Los Angelos Area, you can still get tickets to see him at The Regent for April 24!
= Samba Schutte =
Samba sending out some love for Earth Day!
Img Src: Samba Schutte's IG Stories
= Nathan Foad =
More dashing photos of Nathan Foad in Love's Labours Lost
Img Src: @saritagabony's IG
= Rachel House =
More BTS Pics of Rachel and the kids from The Mountain! Can't wait to see this come to the US!
@temaungafilm Instagram Page
== Non Binary Parents Day! ==
Happy belated Non-Binary Parents Day! Sorry luvs I missed this yesterday! You are wonderful, you are valid, you are such a beautiful part of this world. Thank you for all you do for all the kiddos out there, yours or otherwise. Whether you go by Zaza, Per, Muddy, Bibi, or any other of the number of non-binary parent names out there, we love you my dears. <3
Img SRC: Art by Veya
== Lesbian Visibility Week! ==
Today is the first day of Lesbian Visibility Week!We see you lovelies! Each and every one if you is valid, and are a shining star that fill up the skies. Where would we be without stars? We love you dearies!
== New Events Calendar ==
The Save OFMD Crew's Even Schedule is Up! Monday and Tuesday are focused on the Fiber Arts Brigade! They're looking for artists to join/donate and or share your work!
Check out Saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr Post for more deets!
== Watch Parties ==
Short Poppies is on the docket this week, and so are a few filler episodes of other smaller roles our favorite Captain has been in!
When: Tuesday April 23, 2024, at 3:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm ET / 10:30 pm GMT
What: We'll be watching A Series of Unfortunate Events Episode 7, and Short Poppies Episode 2!
Looking for where to watch?
- Short Poppies - Amazon Prime
- A Series of Unfortunate Events - Netflix
Don't have access? Hit me up here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill over dm, or @/AspirantAbby42 on twitter for more info.
= Palm Royal Season 1 =
Episodes 5 & 6 this Thursday April 25: 1 pm PT, 4 pm ET, 9 pm BST
via @lcwebsxoxo on Twitter!
- #PalmRoyale
- #OurFlagMeansDeath
- #SaveOFMD
== Fibre Arts Brigade ==
On June 14th the Save OFMD Fibre Arts Brigade will be holding an online auction to benefit SAGE (an Advocacy & Services Non Profit for LGBTQ+ Seniors)! If you'd like to donate OFMD themed textiles to the auction, hop on over to their Donation Page
Src: Saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr Post
== Uproar ==
Uproar is finally coming out on digital & on demand tomorrow 04/23/2024!
Img Src: @/blue_fox_entertainment's Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Our fabulous crewmate @melvisik has done it again, one more addition to the cast cards! Brett O' Gorman plays the captain "to whom Stede gifted the red suit (which was definitely NOT cursed...)"!
= Our Drag Means Slay =
Only 5 days left to get tickets for the Our Drag Means Slay Livestream! All proceeds go to charity!
== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More fun colouring pages by @patchworkpiratebear! Thank you so much for designing all these lovely, I've printed several off and my son and I are working on them throughout the week!
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast ==
The Lore of the Ring Episode is finally here! Special context from Alex Sherman! You can listen on Spotify or Apple Music, link below!
Img Src: Our Flag Means Fanfiction's IG
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. I hope your Monday wasn't too crazy! I'm gonna keep it short tonight because I am nodding off.
I know sometimes we do things when we're not feeling very well that we regret. I know sometimes we get so far progress wise, but then we revert a little bit because the day was just too much. Sometimes we even say or do things that hurt others, even if we don't mean to, but it happens.
Just remember lovelies that that doesn't make you a bad person.
We all make mistakes. We are all human, and none of us are infallible.
You are going through so much. You are dealing with the stressors of the day, of the week, of the year, of the country, of the global climate, hell you're dealing with the stressors of keeping you and your loved ones fed, and clothed and sheltered, or maybe you're dealing with a physical ailment.
Whatever it is, you're dealing with A LOT. We all have bad days.
Making mistakes is how we grow. Give yourself some grace lovelies, you deserve grace too.
Anyway, that's enough out of me, goodnight crew, I hope your dreams are sweet, and your rest is full.