YouGov Sign Up / Rating Instructions

Thank you to @libbyroseitm for these lovely instructions!

Things to remember:

  1. People probably aught to be careful to keep personal information to themselves. 
  2. You can search for actors and other films and tv shows related to OFMD, not just the show itself. 
  3. Vote on things other than OFMD so they don't get suspicious.

Signing Up

Step 1: Go to and choose your region. 

Step 2: Select the big blue Start button

Step 3: Enter the year you were born (you can make it up if you don't want to give it)


Step 4: Choose your Gender, unfortunately there are only two options: Female / Male    

Step 5: Enter a zip code (or your region code, depending on your country) again, feel free to use a zip that is not your own.

Step 6: Enter an email address (feel free to use a burner or spam email address that you have)

Step 7: You'll see a Congratulations Screen, click Go To Account

Step 8: Once on your account, you'll be prompted to sign an agreement, choose I agree (or I disagree)

Step 9: Add a name you'd like to go by, and click the checkmark to the right of the name.

Rating Shows / People 

Step 1: On your Account page, scroll down until you see a link for "View All Ratings", and click that

Step 2: You'll be taken to a screen that says "Rate Everything", click on the link for "Not What you're looking for?" and it will pop up a model that gives you a button to click that says "Previous Version" Click that.

Step 3: Once in the new version, type the name of the show you'd like to rate

Step 4: Select your show when it pops up, and then rate it and add an opinion if you'd like!

Reminder: Be sure to rate other shows as well so as to not cause suspicion!