02/14/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Samba Schutte Cameo; Taika & Rita; Rhys Darby; Dominic Burgess; Lindsey Cantrell; Con O Neill Love Project; Lovely Letters; Moonglow Manifesting; Lube As A Crew; Watch Party Reminders; Uncle; People of Earth;  Articles; Petition Thread; Love Notes; 

= Cast & Crew Sightings =

= Samba Schutte =

Samba Schutte recorded a beautiful Cameo for all of us. Thank you @saveofmdcrewmates for sharing this lovely gift with us! Src: Tumblr Today is about sharing love -- with friends, family, and crew, so we want to share this with you! 💕 https://www.cameo.com/recipient/65c16e19f7ff859ddd914500

= Taika Waititi =

Rita Ora and Taika Waititi were out here being adorable with each other on Instagram today. I realise it's not OFMD related, but Taika needs love and support and that's what we're doing tonight. 

= Rhys Darby = 

Rhys Darby is back with this adorable grey kitten that everyone is jealous of. 

Photo Srcs: ofmd-ann , Vid: Rhys' Tiktok , Vid: Tumblr - ty @kiwistede

= Dominic Burgess =

Our hilarious friend Dominic Burgess is just out here at it again being supportive AF during our events. I love this man. 

= Lindsey Cantrell =

Just some love from Lindsey Cantrell on her IG Stories

== Con O Neil Love Project on IG =

Somehow I missed these! Very sweet video project for Con O'Neill happening on IG, thank you @ringasunn for posting these! 

There are three videos up so far, but sounds like a 4th is on the way and Con is feeling the love you all! Such an amazing Job!

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

== Lovely Letters ==

The Kudoboard for Valentine's day was sent out this morning on various platforms. Please feel free to check out some of the Lovely Letters the crew wrote to our dear Cast & Crew family.


== Moonglow Manifesting ==

Several of our crew have been manifesting moonglow and setting up spaces in their homes for that manifesting! Please check out some of the gorgeous and creative setups our crew have put together! In order of appearance:  @_irene_adler, @tayleafz, @snailforkery

== Lube As A Crew ==

So @Astroglide had decided to do another Watch Party after the #ReviewAsACrew theme that was going on. @yronnia was kind enough to notify me of this fantastic review that came up before the party.

So as usual, so many memes (may of the valentine's cards are from @astroglideofficial) and responses came with the latest @Astroglide watch of the episodes 8, 9 , 10 of S1. 

And @astroglideofficial's reactions were glorious as expected (reach from bottom up for chronological reactions)

However, as you can imagine, finishing at episode 10 left them where the rest of us were.

Can't wait for them to see Season 2! Hopefully they'll get some of their hope back!

== Watch Party Reminders! ==

= Feb 15/16: Uncle Season 1  =

Next 3 episodes of Uncle tomorrow! This is mainly for UK folks but non-uk folks are welcome to vpn in as well! Here's an article on how to join via vpn!

16 Feb,  GMT - 8 PM,  ET - 3 PM,  PST - 12pm (episodes 4-6)

WatchParty Hashtags:

  • #ForTheNewUncle
  • #SaveOFMD
  • #AdoptOurCrew

= People Of Earth S1 Ep 7, 8 =

#PiratesOfEarth has been going great these last couple days! Thank you again to @iamadequate1 for organising it! Next episodes: 7 and 8 tomorrow the 15th! at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST / 4PM CST / 2 PM PST 

== Articles ==

== Petition Thread ==

Our friend @sonnetforbonnet was kind enough to get a twitter thread going for all the petitions for cancelled shows. For those of you without Twitter here are the Petition links.

== Love Notes ==

Hey Lovelies <3 I hope that however you celebrated today, (Valentine's Day, Captain Cook's Murder Day, Your Birthday, whatever it happened to be) that you got something positive and fun out of it.  I know this day is a mixed bag for a lot of folks, so any way you are able to get something good out of it, I'm excited for. 
A little gentle reminder, something that took me a lot of years to realise -- you are enough, with or without a partner, I hope you know that. Your partner or lack of one doesn't define you. 
You are you and you are wonderful and you are enchanting.
 You could be in the perfect relationship and that other person(s) could bring out the best in you, and yet, the best in you is still you
You shine because you are a beautiful, unique little radiant ball of starstuff, and don't you ever forget it. 
You deserve just as much love as you give to others, no matter what anyone says, and you deserve to be happy and to be you, just the way you are. Now matter how you feel on any given day, no matter how much energy, or spoons, or love you have for yourself, you are doing enough, and you deserve all the wonderful things this world has to offer. 
I know I speak for all of us on this safespaceship crew, when I say I hope tomorrow brings you joy, and love, and unhinged laughter.
 Get some rest babes, love you <3