03/24/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Rhys Darby; Vico Ortiz; Kudoboards; Fan Spotlight;

== Rhys Darby ==

Captain's having some birthday celebrations in Aotearoa! Thank you Rose for these lovely peeks at the festivities!

= Vico Ortiz =

Vico as Izzy Hands in Drag Kings. There are also videos. I didn't know if anyone had brought them over yet, if you'd like them, let me know!

== Kudoboards closing soon =

Thank you to @sharpenyersword on Twitter for setting up ALL THE KUDOBOARDS! The rest of the Kudoboard's will close on the 31st. 

Go send the cast and crew some love folks!

== Fan Spotlight ==

Blood Bucket Bill! One of our favorite side characters! Time for Grant Lobban to shine! Thanks @melvisik <3 So glad to see some of the lesser known characters getting some love. 

== Love Notes ==

Hey Lovelies. I hope you all are having a relaxing weekend. As you can see things have been slow over the weekend. This is a great time to fill out some Kudoboards for the other cast and crew if you feel so inclined :)Tonight I'm gonna do something a bit different. I've read a lot of Thich Nhat Hanh over the years and there's a quote I really love from the book, Reconciliation: Healing The inner Child. 

“Go back and take care of yourself. Your body needs you, your perceptions need you, your feeling needs you. The wounded child in you needs you. Your suffering needs you to acknowledge it.”

This is something I've spent a lot of time thinking about, the little me, and what she went through.  I recently played this meditation by Taika for myself, but thought, "well im not a kid any more is this really for me?" and you know what? We could all use a little encouragement, even if we aren't that little anymore. Whether you play it for you or play it for the little you that was, it's just something nice and calming to try. 

Anyway, something a bit different tonight. Hope it brings you some joy. Love you crew, thinking of you <3