10/09/2024 - 10/11/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Vico Ortiz / Nat Faxon's birthdays!; OFMD Cast & Crew Birthday Calendar; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad/Matt Maher; Madeleine Sami; Anapela Polataivao; David Fane; Dominic Burgess; Adopt Our Crew: OFMD Rewind; Articles; In Person Events: Calypso's Birthday in PA; Garlic Soup Autumn Bingo; LoveNotes: Featuring Damien Gerard <3;

== Vico Ortiz Birthday! ==

October 10th was Vico's birthday! So many people put out lovely dedications to our wonderful Jim! Chaos Dad was no different!

== Nat Faxon Birthday! ==

October 11th, 2024 is ANOTHER OFMD Birthday! This time-- Our dear Swede!! Happy Birthday Nat Faxon!

== OFMD Cast & Crew Birthdays ==

Hey crew, completely random but someone was asking me if there was a calendar for all the birthdays going on-- and I don't know of one so I put one together on the Repo. I'm still filling it out, but it has a chunk of the main cast in there. Hopefully I'll have as many as I can find done by early next week. If you know of some you don't see feel free to ping me, I'm always happy for help!

== Rhys Darby==

Rhys has been VERY busy. First off-- looks like he's got a new comedy show coming to Portland on 12/04!

You can get your tickets here!

Source: Rhys Substack

Oh! And Rhys & Rosie's son Finn's band, Great Big Cow is going to be playing in New York On Dec 16th!

Wanna check them out? You can buy tickets here!

For those of you not on Substack, Rhys has been doing some pretty fun Daily Doodles for us! 

Wanna support our lovely Captain? Join him on his Substack!

More news on upcoming work for Rhys -- He'll be joining Lauren Graham in "The Z-Suite"! Check out the article here!

== David Jenkins ==

Our friends over at @adoptourcrew made a lovely post for National Coming Out Day, and Chaos Dad shared it with love <3

David also posted this picture on his instagram with the phrase "Guys This Is Important". Which as you can well imagine, triggered some HONKING.

He did however want us to go into the weekend not honking TOO hard and clarified on Twitter a bit later.

== Taika Waititi ==

In case you didn't remember that Taika's a stone cold fox here's a quick reminder.

In addition (and I'm not sure why Tumblr is fighting me) he had a really adorable message for his wife Rita Ora on The Masked Singer a couple days back. Check out the post here.
He was also out on the George FM Radio show! With his FUZZY JACKET.

== Nathan Foad ==

Nathan is always giving us so many fun little instagram stories, showing his cheeky side.

Also then he turns around and takes glorious headshots and destroys us in his beauty. Matt Maher was caught commenting on this little piece of heaven <3

== Samba Schutte ==

Samba's new film, Advanced Chemistry-- is really getting some traction!
Collider Article

He was recently on the Chirpse Hurts Podcast Re: Advanced Chemistry as well!

Wanna checkout the podcast? You can here!

If you haven't seen it yet, and want to check it out, it's available digitally on these platforms!
Also-- Samba and team are asking for folks to review/rate the movie to help boost it, and show off Samba's awesome skills. Wanna help them out? Once you've watched, please take a few minutes to review on:

Source: Samba's Instagram

== Kristian Nairn ==

Kristin is going to be doing more book signings  in Ireland at Eason O'Connell Street on October 12th! Are you in town? Check him out here! Eason Events!

He's also sending out so many thank yous for all the support with his book!

== Madeleine Sami ==

Our dear Madeleine Sami is back with more episodes of Double Parked airing in Aotearoa! 

== Anapela Polataivao ==

Back by popular demand, Tina is being shown again on Oct 13th at 7:30pm at HIFF!  Ticket info!

Source: HIFF Instagram

Not sure where this is at-- but it's gorgeous with our beloved Auntie.

== David Fane ==

Just the most adorable selfie with the even more adorable man.

== Dominic Burgess ==

Dominic would like to wish you all a Happy National Coming Out Day as well!

== Adopt Our Crew: OFMD Rewind ==

Our friends over at @adoptourcrew were back again Oct 10 with Episodes 4-5 of S2 in #OFMDRewind! Once again joined by the ever fabulous @astroglideofficial

For those of you with Twitter-- if you haven't already, please go check out the thread!If you aren't on twitter and you would like to see what went down you can read them in the AOC section of the OFMD Renewal Repository!

== Articles ==


== In Person Events ==

Our lovely crewmate @ringasunn was kind enough to give me a sneak preview of the next Calypso's Birthday event going on in Millvale PA at Harold's Haunt on 11/9 at 6pm! There's more news to come so if you're in the area please follow them on their Instagram for more information and staying up to date!

== Garlic Soup Autumn Bingo ==

It's that time again! Looks like there's going to be a cozy #GarlicSoupWeek event going on! Looks like November 10-16 is when it's happening! If you wanna get involved and stay up to date on the latest news, please visit @garlicsoupweek on their Linktr.ee!

== Love Notes ==

Hey there lovelies-- wow, the last fews days have had so much happen!
First off -- Mental Health Awareness Day was Oct 10, and National Coming Out Day was Oct 11! Our sweet Damien Gerard gave us a beautiful message for Mental Health Awareness Day and I wanted to share it tonight for those who didn't see it, since it really made me tear up.
I did want to mention though lovelies before we get there-- whether you're in the closet, or out and proud-- or not even sure who you are yet. Just know that you're valid, and beautiful, and the world is such a better place because you're in it. I hope you have a safe and wonderful weekend, sending so much love your way.