03/22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Kristian's New Song; Samba Cameo; Event Calendar; Newark Newark Watch Party; AdoptOurCrew TheyThems; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes;

Happy Friday loves! I hope your weekend is starting out fun and relaxing! Remember to drink some water and get a little extra sleep this weekend ok? <3

== Kristian Nairn ==

Kristian's new single Closer is out! Please check it out!

Instagram Link

Twitter Link

== Samba Schutte Cameo ==

Roach's Rascals! Thank you for the latest cameo, it's hilarious. It had me cackling for 10 minutes. Samba is such a fun and sweet dude.Samba: Roach's Rascals Cameo #2

== Event Calendar ==

Tomorrow is NewarNewark!  Let's take a couple days off crew! Enjoy yourselves, do whatever you want to relax! I'll be reading fics!

== Watch Parties ==

= Newark, Newark =

When: Saturday 23rd March @ 7 pm GMT / 3pm EST / 12 pm PST Where: BBC iPlayer, Now TV
Hosted by @lamentus1
Extra Note: The Rhys Darby Faction Discord will be streaming it as well at 5pm GMT / 1 pm EST / 12 pm PST

Watch Party Hashtags:

  • #NewarkThePlank
  • #OurFlagMeansDeath

== Adopt Our Crew ==

No #SaturdaySillies tomorrow! But @adoptourcrew is suggesting you check out @They_Thems if you haven't aleady! 

== Fan Spotlight ==

It's time for Hornigold! If you've seen Uproar you may have noticed him there! Thank you my dear @melvisik for keeping these going :)

== Love Notes ==

Can I just say how fun the tag games are? Idk, it's nice to just get to interact with you all on a goofy personal level. I love music recommendations, and I love piccrew stuff and gif parties, just it's such a lovely way to interact with everyone. Thank you all for being so sweet and keeping our little communities spirits up. It's helping keep me grounded.

Also thank you to all you lovely folks who keep going into asks and sending love to everyone. I can't tell you how amazing it is to see so many people reaching out to each other and sending love. I know it's never really been only about the show, but when I see those things, it feels like all that love transcends ofmd and what it's done for us.

It helps me feel like we're all still here. We haven't run back to our old lives, we met each other on the beach and we're all keeping each other company on the way to something new. I'm just, really grateful to you all for that. Just thank you. You mean the world to me, and I know so many feel the same.