TLDR; Cast & Crew; Rhys Darby; Con O'Neil; Kristian Nairn; Samba Schutte; Wee John Wondays; LubeAsACrew; Stats/Trends; Fan Spotlight; Engagement Prompts; LoveNotes;
Hey All, today's been an off day for me, so please let me know if I've missed something. Hope you all had fun!
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== Rhys Darby ==
Well, our goofball of a captain is back with more Red Dead Redemption II, check out Part 2 below:
Rhys also did comedy at Bourbon Room Hollywood last week, and = tmiddendorfphoto on IG captured quite a lot of photos of his set. Feel free to visit them on IG
== Con O ' Neill ==
Whoops! I had this prepped for yesterday then completely forgot, sorry Con! Con was out seeing BettyRules in NYC!
== Wee John Wonday ==
Kristian had Samba on WJW Today! Lots of cool stuff they chatted above! If you're unable to watch right now, there's a small breakdown of various high points below:
Highlights/Things We Learned:
- Samba baby's name is Ocean
- Samba was kind enough to stand in for WJW when someone else had to drop off for work.
- Samba loves giving Kristian middle names: Kristian Victoria Nairn / Kristian Alexander Nairn / Kristian Valaria Nairn, Kristian Venereal Disease Nairn / Kristian Damien Nairn / Kristian Nicholas Nairn / Kristian Tabitha Nairn
- There were live doves that would shit on you on set, and they shat on Samson
- Kristian was a professional Chef
- Samba wants to do Cryptic Factor w/Rhys
- Samba is big into ufo's and cryptids
- Kristian is also into paranormal stuff
- Kristian - In New Zealand saw weird things on the lawn of his rental place (weird creatures focused on the balcony of his room)
- David Fane - ate all the cheese in Calypso's Birthday
- They really appreciate all the fans trying to save OFMD and would LOVE to get a season 3, even if only for 2 hours.
- Samba would like ot do a bts/blooper combo but has to get permission first
For the wrap party, the cast members got each other gifts:
- Samson got everyone crocs
- Mads gave them Samoan necklaces
- Kristian said his "Gifts got stolen"
- Samba gave them pictures / BTS videos
Q: Who was most elusive in regards to BTS?
- Joel - also Ewan
Q: Favorite Soup?
- Sambas favorite Soup - Chicken Noodle (chicken soup)
- Kristian's favorite Soup - Cream of Tomato
Q: Did anything change with Roach in S2?
- Yes, he became softer / trusting
Q: Lots of great energy and hanging out between crew members and family, (not something often seen) what do you think led to that?
- Casting director Alison Jones - awesome at casting
- Energy on set was positive and acceptance from the get go that helped
- Sailing training, stunt training, sword fighting together helped bonding
- Everyone on the cast was odd, and people moved out together so lots of small found family situations
- Long hours together
- Note: Stede's story time everyone is actually asleep, cause they've been up for like 18 hrs
Q: What's your favourite dessert, that you could live off forever?
- Roach - Chocolate Mousse, really fluffy and airy
- Kristian - Black Forest Cake
Q: What was best part of working in New Zealand?
- 8 hr days instead of 18 hrs days
- Nature was gorgeous
- Maori Elders did a land blessing
Q: Roach played a lot of roles, what do you think was his main role?
- Cook, Doctor, therapist in that order.
Q: Would Aamba release a cookbook?
- If enough interest, Yes - OFMD Cast Favorite Cookbook
- And Mac and cheese recipe
- Cakes and desserts
Q: What's it like being a new dad?
- Amazing , no time to catch breath, feeling a lot of protectiveness and excitement and energy to step up and take care of the kiddo So fulfilling, Sambas a great dad.
Original Script / Deleted Scene Stuff:
- In original script: Roach was going to end up with the crew of revenge, but then changed the script cause Samba would look like a kid who stole his dads jacket, so Frenchie was cap
- Originally Zheng called the crew "beta" instead of "tender" but they changed it.
Innkeeper deleted scenes:
- Everyone's eating soup on deck, roach was supposed to be serving people soup, and Fang says "Ah, Leroy, I'm so glad you're alive?" and Lucius goes "I'm sorry do you think my name is Leroy?"
- Oluwande was crying, Jim asks if he was, he says no he gets that thing when he's around grass, and Jim says "A yeah lots of grass around here"
Other deleted scene:
- Kristian saying "its sizest" doing big guy stuff
- And roach says he's stuck doing tall skinnhy guy stuff
- Pete asks if he's stuck doing bald guy stuff
More Deleted scenes:
- Ewan zip lines over first and yells: "I was born to fly"
- Roach zip line screams quietly cause they tell him to be quiet, and then he lands and says, "why its so sticky I wanna go back", and he tries to get back on the rope but Frenchie flys in and knocks him over.
Another Delete scene:
- Wee John was going to dress up as cupid, would have encouraged Stede and Ed, who would have danced to "At Last" and then when and boned.
== Samba BTS ==
In honor of Wee John Wonday's, Samba added some more BTS starring Kristian, and shared the video he talked about in WJW regarding Kristian's birthday.
== Lube As A Crew ==
Astroglide sent @Seven_Sugars a carepackage for a lovely review!
== Stats Stats Stats / Trends ==
Thank you @meowzawowza_ as usual for the awesome insight!
Trends! Thank you @merryfinches and @debphotog for catching these!
== Fan Spotlight ==
For those of you not on twitter, you may not have seen @wndrngnomad's collage's she's been doing each day for the cast members! They go back quite a while so I'll add them all to the repo, but they kind enough to give me permission to share them with the everyone outside of twitter!
== Engagement Prompts ==
Over on Instagram @saveofmdcrewmates have some engagement prompts for tomorrow: #CrossoverCruesday. Time to switch it up! What is your fantasy crossover beween another show and OFMD? Crossover AU anyone?
== Articles ==
Special thanks to @heide79728 on Twitter for sharing all these international headlines!
- HBO MAX "praised the loyal audience that engaged with the series and contributed to building an interactive community around it." - Article in Arabic
- "14 Recommended Series-fans are already deeply engaged in a massive campaign to encourage another network to buy the rights and produce another season to give the story the ending it deserves" - Article in Hebrew
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies.
Have you had any water lately? Did you get to go outside and take a walk? Please remember that you need breaks sometimes, even if they're only a few minutes here or there.
You deserve rest-- and when things get rough, your brain needs a couple minutes to reset. Remember to take care of yourself and practice some self-care.
Self care means fun too!
Do something you enjoy that makes you smile. I'm not a fan of sticker/sticky things-- but I know a lot of people who love googly-eyes so I figured this was appropriate.
Anyway, gnight/gday crew, have a lovely one.