TLDR; David Jenkins; RIP S3; Samba Schutte; Dominic Burgess; Lindsey Cantrell; Rhys Darby; Fan Spotlight; Never Left Podcast; Cast Cards; AdoptOurCrew; SaveOFMD Crew; Love Notes;
I figure we could all use some normalcy tonight so I'm going to treat tonight like every other night and bring some news in-- Love Notes are where to go for commentary/love tonight lovelies.
== David Jenkins ==
All the photos from his Instagram Post Are listed here on Tumblr
Don't have access? DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 1 watch from March 4th to March 8th.
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST.
Saturday there will be a re-watch for those who need to catch up (time TBD) .
== Adopt Our Crew ==
A message from our dear friends at @adoptourcrew
== Save OFMD Crew ==
Our good friends over at @saveofmdcrewmates also had a message for us.
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Boy. What a day it's been, huh?
Never thought the clowning/honking would stop. I have to say, I'm glad at least that David saw all our commentary about "if he thought there was no hope he'd say something" and did in fact say something.
It's a bit of a hard pill to swallow, I know. We're all going through the various stages of grief right now. Some of us are already progressing on at a quick rate, others are still at the beginning.
I know I've said some of this across the platforms so I apologize if you've heard it already, but I think it's important to hear.
Whether it was only signing the petition, or tweeting every day for a week, or just supporting your crewmates. Every little bit to every large bit you did--
You did EVERYTHING you could.
None of this is your fault. None of this is David or the Cast's fault, and certainly none of it is the fans fault. You did everything you could, and even if it feels like it it was all for nothing, it meant so very very much.
Every Cast and Crew member got to see how much they meant to you. Smaller cast members like our friends Wendy Anderson, and Damien Gerard, and Dominic Burgess have all gotten to feel so much love from us. They've come in and participated with us in our various fuckeries, and we've gotten to know them better because of it!
Every single streaming service we targeted got to see just how much queer media means to us. So many new fans got to join us on this journey because we were loud, polite menaces, and we made a safe space for them to join us. Not just streaming services and new fans, but products, and groups too! Fucking Astroglide did watch parties with us, squishables got involved! Q+ and Pink News!
News Media ALL OVER THE DAMN PLANET looked at us and commiserated and shared their distaste for our loss.
If ONE streaming service picks up a true queer show (not just queer bait) because they saw our engagement, it was worth every single tear lost.
If ONE queer kid, years from now, gets a show where they feel represented because we fought for our silly little pirate show, it was worth EVERY SINGLE EFFORT.
IF ONE of your crew-mates felt included and decided to stick around on this planet a little longer because of it, IT WAS WORTH IT.
It already matters so much, to all of us. I get to spend every day, feeling hope in humanity because of this fandom. Every single day I come online and I see just how creative, and kind, and accepting you all are, and it gives me so much hope for the future. I feel loved again, for me, not who I pretend to be in my day to day life.
We raised money for SO MANY charities. We made LITERAL differences in people's lives. People we don't know, and who don't know us. Do you know how incredibly powerful that is?
Do you know just how much those tiny ripples cascade over this entire earth? Kindness is one of the most powerful driving forces in this world. It is not quantifiable in any way, and yet it makes such an impact.
We have some of the most amazingly talented, and resourceful, and brilliant people on the planet in this crew. That's all of you. You are absolute treasures, every single one of you.
And you know what? You didn't fucking deserve this.
You deserved your show back. You fought hard for it, and you are allowed to be angry about it. You are allowed to cry, or scream, or lie on the floor and not get up for a while. You are allowed to grieve.
Some of you haven't got there yet. Some of you are still fighting the good fight, or trying to support others, and just know lovelies, we will all be there when you struggle too.
I've said it before, but grief isn't linear, it comes in waves, and no matter how each of us proceeds tomorrow, it's going to continue to take time to heal from.
Whatever YOU NEED to cope, do it.
Do you wanna "Fuck it we ball" and keep fighting? Fucking do it.
Do you wanna go cry in a corner and take a week off? Fucking do it.
Do you wanna go hug a fellow crew-mate and tell them a goofy ass joke so they laugh? Fucking do it.
Do you wanna go read fanfiction til you pass out? Make sure to drink some water, but go fucking do it.
Do you wanna draw, or sing, or write something that gets some of this awful energy out? Well? You guessed it--Go fucking do it.
BUT a gentle reminder lovelies:
Don't go hurt anyone, they don't deserve it.
Don't hurt yourself, YOU don't deserve it.
We've got discords, and tumblr, and twitter, and dm's galore. If you need support, reach out. I know so many of your crew are reaching out to each other to send love and support, and dole out all the hugs.
Lean on each other.
We are in this together.
We still have each other, and we will continue to.
This is not the end for OFMD. Whether it gets renewed in 10 years, or gets a movie, or graphic novels, or some other medium. This is not the end. It's certainly not the end of any of the cast & crew's careers. We will have so much to support them in going forward.
This fandom, these friends, don't end with this.
Keep making your fanfiction-- write and draw your own s3! Share it! Take this wonderful piece of queer art and joy that means so much to us and keep extending its infinite universes. Write meta and discuss and laugh and cry about it. We have lost the potential for s3, but we haven't lost what we already have, which is a glorious piece of media.
We have the cast & crew who continue to support and send love, and share our artwork and stories.
We have each other.
Now I'm gonna go mama bear on you and ask you to consider some things:
Have you had any water lately? Have you had anything to eat? Have you slept? Have you gone to the bathroom lately? Have you been outside, even for a moment?
Then finally, going with one last thing. This song helped me a lot today. Maybe it'll give you some love today too.