TLDR; Rhys Darby; Cryptid Factor; World Exclusive; Rosie; Kristian; Vico; SaveOFMDCrew billboard results; Watch Parties; Newark Newark; Wrecked; Adopt Our Crew Rhys Radness; Fan Spotlight; Podcasts; Radio; Cast Cards; Trends; Articles; Uproar; Love Notes + 1;
= Rhys Darby =
Cryptid factor - World Exclusive
So Rhys, Dan, and Buttons revealed never before seen footage by Tchie Kellys from back in 2018 of the Lochness Cryptid!
- You can see footage on their Patreon (the full 2hr+ episode)
- Edited version of the podcast on Spotify
- Short version on Youtube
And of course Rosie's gotta pop in with some snark, I love that woman.

= Kristian Nairn =
Episode 065 of Kristian's music show Spektrum is up on Mixcloud!
= Vico Ortiz =
Lots of footage of Vico posted today! I couldnt get the videos to download for some reason-- find them here on their instagram.
Source: Vico Ortiz Instagram
== Stretch Goal Billboard Survey Results ==
The Final Stretch Goal Survey is in...
Hey, crew! The results from the survey on the final stage of our London Ads campaign are in. 🗳️ Almost 94% voted to split the remaining funds between the three billboard fundraiser charities: Mermaids UK, RainbowYOUTH (AoNZ), and Point Foundation (US). 🧜♂️🌈
== Watch Parties ==
= Newark, Newark =
When: Saturday 23rd March @ 7 pm GMT / 3pm EST / 12 pm PSTWhere: BBC iPlayer, Now TV
Hosted by @lamentus1
Extra Note: The Rhys Darby Faction Discord will be streaming it as well at 5pm GMT / 1 pm EST / 12 pm PST
Watch Party Hashtags:
- #NewarkThePlank
- #OurFlagMeansDeath
== Wrecked ==
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd.
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
- #WreckedPirates
- #SaveOFMD
- #RhysDarbyFaction
== Adopt Our Crew Rhys Radness ==
Another day of the Rhys Radness brackets by @adoptourcrew on twitter! Some tough decisions to be made.
Yesterday Jemaine decided to share the Steve vs Murray vote! Sorry Jemaine! Steve won out.
Today Luke Higginson (Writer, Director, and Editor of 'Relax I'm From The Future' ) also tried to campaign for Casper!!
Then even @bluefox_enterainment (the distributor of Relax I'm From The Future and Uproar!) also campaigned for Casper!We'll see what happens tonight!
== Fan Spotlight ==
Never Left - Podcast
Another episode of Never Left - an Our Flag Means Death Podcast is out! -- featuring one of our lovely #RhysDarbyFaction members, @TazManiaZania! Part 2 to Beautiful Princess Disorder.
Our Flag Means Fanfiction - Podcast
Our lovely friends over at @OurFlagMeansFanficion have another episode out! 'For this week’s episode, LoopyDangerFrog, also known as Katie, has granted us permission to share her narration of The Thoroughly and Entirely (Im)Proper Cuddling of Edward Teach by queenbee42. Katie’s narration is just SO GOOD. The emotion. The feeling… This is why she’s one of the best narrators out there.' - @OurFlagMeansFanfiction
= Amanda Beezer =
Tomorrow, our crewmate Amanda (Beezer Bee) will be chatting about #OurFlagMeansDeath on a local radio station 88.9 FM WMCX (March 20) at 2:30pm EST/6pm GMT! Check out Her Twitter for more info!You can listen here:
= Cast Cards =
Our crewmate @melvisik is really hitting all the cast members! Today is Tim Heidecker aka Doug!
== Trends ==
Thank you @indarltonitrust on twitter for catching this!
== Articles ==
Really wonderful article that actually talks a bit about being on set with OFMD. Please give it a read!
= Uproar =
Your requests are working (maybe? Idk if they were gonna do this anyway, but I'm claiming it as us, whatever)! Sounds like there are some additional locations coming soon 👀
== YouWear50Well ==
Early reminder! The 21st is Rhys' Birthday! Since it'll be the 21st for some crew members earlier than others, @yronnia was kind enough to give us information early regarding the 50th birthday news!Please be sure to Post your birthday wishes to Rhys and show him your appreciation! Send your fanart and other creations using #YouWear50Well.Please Note: Please do not tag Rhys repeatedly! He's going to be getting a lot of notifications. Even just having notifications under #YouWear50Well will help keep everything visible :)
== Kudoboards closing soon =
Last chance! Thank you to @sharpenyersword on Twitter for setting up ALL THE KUDOBOARDS! Rhys' birthday kudoboard will close on the 20th, the rest will close on the 22nd.
Go send the cast and crew some love folks!
- Rhys Darby's Birthday
- David Jenkins
- Nathan Foad
- Con O'Neill
- Ruibo Qian
- Leslie F*cking Jones!
- Matthew Maher
- Vico Ortiz
- Samson Kayo
- Alex "Ass Tonight" Sherman!
- David Fane
- Kristian "Wee John Wednesdays" Nairn!
- Samba "BTS and Baking King" Schutte!
- Fellow OFMD Fan Crew!
= Love Notes =
Hey Lovelies. Been a lot of excitement today, certainly a lot going on! Rhys' birthday week, actual footage of something in Lochness, podcasts, billboards and movies, oh my! I know some of us are struggling a bit with some personal stuff, it's a hard time out there. It hits harder too when you get all this fun dopamine from the internet, then you turn around and look back at normal life and things are tough.
Remember to be kind to yourself lovelies. Things aren't always going to go the way you plan or want. It's okay if you can't get out of bed today. It's okay if you scroll on your phone and get your dopamine from goofy ass pictures of celebrities. It's okay if you get up and you brush your teeth, but just can't make your breakfast.
Eat something simple. Drink some water, lay down for a while. Little things build to big things. If you can't do laundry today because you don't have the spoons/motivation, then don't do laundry today. Just remember to change your underwear if you have some clean ones cause you don't wanna get a UTI.
If all you can do today is exist, you're doing great. You're doing better than great, you're fantastic. Tomorrow you can do a little bit more, or a little less, depending on what you need. Just be kind to yourself and give yourself grace; the world is hard enough as it is, you don't need to beat yourself up for struggling with very real issues.
Thank you all for making the past few weeks tolerable, I appreciate that so much. It's keeping my brain chemistry in a spot that's healthier than is used to be. I hope you all know just how wonderful you truly are, and that me and the rest of the crew are rooting for you every day. We're here, we love you <3 Stay well.