05/17/2024 - 05/18/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

TLDR; Rhys Darby; Nathan Foad; Kristian Nairn; SaveOFMD Crew;  Int'l Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Intersexphobia, Biphobia; Uproar; Fan Spotlight; Mermay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika

Hey crew, sorry yesterday and today have been busy ones for me, so we're doing a joint day again. Hope you're all doing well the beginning of this weekend!

== Rhys Darby  ==

Rhys just getting to be his goofy self, which we love so much. 

== Nathan Foad ==

Nathan out for a boat ride with his co-stars of Love's Labours Lost. They had their last showing recently, and there are lots of dedications out there to Nathan and this wonderful cast! Gratz Nathan! Can't wait to see what you do next!

Source: Nathan Foad's IG Story

Wow Nathan's been busy!! Greta Gerwig will be available on Vimeo on May 31st! 

Source: Marybeth Barone's Instagram

ALSO I've been meaning to post this for days, but I'm finally getting around to it. Have you seen the ADHD Short Film Nathan was in? 

Source: Nathan Foad's IG Stories Days ago

== Kristian Nairn ==

Kristian's joined the list! Kristian, Con, Nathan, and Vico will all be at Galaxy Con in Raleigh NC July 25-28, 2024!

Ticket here.

The latest episode of Kristian's podcast Spektrum is OUT NOW! You can find links to listen on his Linktree!

== Rosy Maple Moth Pie ==

Hey lovelies! Did you miss out on Samba's baking class? Good news! You can access it now on the Momentus website! You can also access the recipes here.

== Int'l Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Intersexphobia, Biphobia ==

Our dear friends over at These Thems posted a tribute to Int'l Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Intersexphobia, Biphobia. It was yesterday-- sorry for the delay.  To learn more about this day, you can visit UNFPA

== Save OFMD Crew ==

Pride month is approaching and Save OFMD Crewmates would love your feedback on how you'd like to help show Max, other streamers, the media, and the world that we NeverLeft! Fill out their survey here.

== Uproar ==

Still havent gotten to see Uproar? It's available on Amazon to Rent and Buy! Uproar on Amazon

Source: Blue Fox Entertainment's IG Stories

== Articles ==

So I thought I posted this back on the 16th with the trends but I guess not! So here's that article, you all have probably already seen it, but if not here you are:

== Fan Spotlight ==

= Cast Cards =

Today's Cast Card is for the brilliant composer Mark Mothersbaugh! Thank you @melvisik and to the tumblr requester for including this fantastic guys work!

= OFMD Colouring Pages =

More colouring pages from @patchworkpiratebear. I feel like we need a bound book once these are complete. There's just so many fun ones.

= MerMay = 

Can I just say that I am loving seeing how everyone's Art has developed over the past month? It's really cool to see slight changes in style/included details! You all are just so dang talented! <3

= SpencerDoesArt =

More catch up mermay prompts from our darilng crewmate SpencerDoesArtt over on Instagram, they've got some really cool stuff please check them out if you have an IG!

= Snejpowa =

@snejpowa Love you have been just stepping it up with all these gorgeous Mermay prompts. Calypso is stunning~~

Day 17: Have you ever been sketched? / Day 18: Calypso's Birthday

= ErosTheArtist =

More prompts from @erostheartist - I am loving the colour contrast on these, they're so pretty <3
Day 13: Roads to Moscow Day 16: Kraken

= Blueberreads =

Eeeeee I didn't know I needed little pixel Ed drawings, but now that I have them I love them so much. I went them as stickers for my water bottle or something. Look at the little Ed-Gull. I'm dying @blueberreads these are so adorable.

Day 17: Have you ever been sketched? / Day 18: Calypso's Birthday

== Love Notes ==

Hey Lovelies <3 I hope you're having a wonderful start to your weekend (or mid weekend, wherever you are).

Tonight I'd like you to take a few moments to repeat after me, okay?It won't take long. 

"I am beautiful"

"I am kind"

"I am loving"

"I am worthy"

"I am a force to be reckoned with"

"I deserve rest"

"I deserve love"

"I am enough"

You are all those things. It's easy to forget sometimes how hard we work and how far we've come. You are so many wonderful things lovelies. Remember to tell yourself that once in a while. You deserve recognition from others, but also from yourself. You are so brilliant, and you continue to surprise and delight us all every day. Rest well <3A few more love notes from some lovely folks on instagram, feel free to visit them below :)