New Articles

  1. 01/15/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

    01/15/2024 Crew Recap Hey all, today has been a very very very long day. I’m typing this with my eyeballs glazed over and half open. However, so much has happened in such a little amount of time I wanted share a few things  before I pass out I know...
  2. 01/16/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

    Hey Babes! Starting this a bit early tonight because holy fuck today was a whirlwind. I know I'm gonna forget something so please feel free to add to it. None of this was in any particular order.  I figured tonight should be a review of "fun shit" (...
  3. 01/17/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

    01/17/2024 Crew Recap Well, today was once again a day of new and exciting things happening, and some fun progress on all fronts. Anything I missed -- as always please add.   Links to all the threads are in the pictures so please visit them, I want...
  4. Petition / QR Codes / Flyers

     by @Stjernegaupe  by @Stjernegaupe  by @Stjernegaupe A4 Version by @Stjernegaupe Flyers by Soliyra FOS Flyers by Soliyra.pdf ...
  5. 02/01/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

    TLDR; Thank you for the help!; HoistTheAdsReceipts; HoistThePetitionCampaign; UK News; Basingstroke Comic Con; Cast & Crew Sightings; Samba's birthday; Watch Partys; In Person Meetups; Articles; #OhBloysHeMad; Videos; Misc; Love Notes; DailyDarby/To...
  6. Credits!

    Thank you to so many people for you help and feedback! @quirkysubject @lamentus1 @sleepystede And so many others!
  7. 01/18/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

    01/18/2024 Crew Recap TLDR; Summary:  #HoistTheAds and Astroglide OFMD both happening tomorrow 1/19/24; UK Fans We Need Your Help!; New Hashtags/Petition Link; David Jenkins/RhysDarby/TaikaWaititi Troll us with Hidden Stuff; More Articles;  Petiti...
  8. 01/19/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

    01/19/2024 Crew Recap TLDR; HoistTheAds; LubeAsACrew; CastAndCrew Reactions; Petition/Fundraiser Updates; TheCozyPirate Update; Taika Pictures;  The back of Rhys' Naked Legs Edit: Rhys put his reaction up after I had put this together and I missed...
  9. 01/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

    01/20/2024 Crew Recap TLDR; David Jenkins Message on IG; How you can help; Contacting Netflix, Prime, AppleTV; General Guidelines for Wooing Networks; New Hashtags; UK Crew Updates; Petition/Fundraiser Status; Articles; Extras; Rhys' Stiddy === Ch...
  10. 01/21/2024 Daily OFMD Recap

    01/21/2024 Crew Recap Well holy shit all.  We finally fucking did it! We hit 75,000 signatures ! That's crazy! The next goal line is literally twice that, and I know it seems daunting but don't give up, the more we get the more we show how much p...